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Everything posted by Morgs

  1. I had this discussion with my engine builder back in the 60s when I built my car. He suggests that its actually illegal for a tuner to do this - being so long ago I can't actually remember the specifics of where this fell in terms of being illegal - but I'd tend to think along the lines of goods not fit for sale. Though you didn't directly pay for the tune so I suppose in that respect you're at a standstill. HTH.
  2. I don't think it would be economical to ship it from UK. What price is a cheap price? Are you aware of the prices in Japan?
  3. Yes but as mention the tuner will have left Darwin on Tuesday
  4. Hi Was the car run on a Dynodynamics dyno or Dynojet etc?
  5. Haha, well spotted
  6. I always thought someone would die in that car. Very relieved to hear that everyone got away ok. Just from those photos it looks like it could've been a thousand times worse.
  7. God damn Left my phone at home today had 12 missed calls - yeah I don't own it anymore. New owner is on these forums... I hope he / everyone involved is OK. That car was too dangerous to thrash around the streets, again I hope everyone is OK. Anyone got details of the incident? Edit: Happy to hear everyone is ok... hope insurance was sorted?
  8. One of my motors killed a N1 oil pump (new) Though it was more the fault of a faulty balancer than the oil pump
  9. Funky is the RX7 on the road yet? Be good to see it in its complete glory, when we had it in Sydney it was a shambles
  10. You may find he created this thread Good work Jake the muss, uh I mean Marty Car sounds hot.
  11. Good luck guys, be sure to have some fun Will be out there on the Sunday for a look!
  12. Sounds like you've still got a loose intercooler pipe. That'll explain why it dosen't idle / drive properly, and as said the bulk fuel coming out of the exhaust. Happened to me several times when I had the std twin setup. Did you pull the spark plugs out and have a look at them? Mine were so bad once after popping a cooler pipe I had to put a new set in.
  13. Didn't think you liked your Holdens.... Took one out to Emerald (SSV) a few weeks ago - was much impressed. Enjoy
  14. Stuffed lifter? I should add my feedback on my experiences I guess: 1st RB26DETT: Stock 15 year old motor, ~120,000km WSID drag strip - had just run a 12. Second run small launch, got to the top of 3rd gear and the oil pressure light came on - bad news. Shut it off at the top of 3rd and coasted over for a 12.5 .. motor needed rebuild, had not spun a bearing yet but was in bad shape. Ended up selling the motor for a 2nd hand rebuilt motor. May be important to note that in the months upcoming this failure the oil pressure (stock) gauge was playing up, occasionally going to zero. I can only assume this was early warning to the failure.... 2nd RB26DETT - N1 spec bottom end, metal HG, cams, T04Z. ~10,000km on motor. Another oil pump failure at high revs ~8000rpm, the oil pressure light came on and that was the end of that oil pump. It'd almost literally cracked in half - the theory is that the balancer was not properly balanced, and the combination of (over time) hitting the rev limiter with such ferrocity resulting in the crank (JUN crank collar) rocking back&forward and therefore the resulting failure. Any alternate theories welcome! Was no warning with this one - was running perfect one day ~500rwhp and the next day broken. Pulled the motor down and it was in good condition, could've put it back together with a new oil pump and driven away, or at minimum new bearings & rings. Decided for a full build and sold the car before it ever got a big power tune after run in...
  15. I know of one making big numbers on 28psi (0.81)
  16. That sort of performance is not really done on a personal budget $$ wise...
  17. Go see Domenic @ autostyle www.autostyle.com.au Ignore the price go check the car out and make him an offer
  18. I've not had a problem (that I know of perhaps I need to check the job they did!!) in my experiences there, theyre prices for the tyre I was after was too appealing to go elsewhere... My car was too low to get balanced there however, and the guys couldn't actually engage the clutch properly (stalled it 3 times without moving it from the spot) so I had to drive it... but thats standard procedure with anyone jumping in my car rather than suggested incompetence.... So to summarise, I've not had a problem there, however the place does appeal as one where if a problem does surface it would turn into quite the negative experience.
  19. I will be there... my first meeting too.. new too VIC so don't hate me because I'm from NSW
  20. Tuesday sounds too good to refuse... Providing I'm finished work by then I'll be there.... who am I looking out for to meet so I don't end up standing around like an idiot?? PS: Need I ask what revolver is?
  21. Well I gotta say from a 'liveable' point of view Melbourne certainly has it all over Sydney. If you want to get somewhere, its straightforward/simple/easy, theres little traffic, people are generally friendlier and despite the occasional cool night and downpour, I'd say the weather has been good !! My only gripe being that of having recieved a parking fine outside my own house... within a week... damn council..... If anyone wants to meet up for a beer anytime in the next few weeks let me know / shoot me a PM
  22. Well the car is there now... 3 weeks as of this weekend... had some interest in it but no sale yet... But so far so good, have got on well with Dom.
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