So. I've been in a bit of an accident today, and as a result now have to replace front bar, fenders (possibly, not definite), headlights, bonnet, and I've recently discovered, radiator too (intercooler pushed back into radiator ).
I figure if I've got to get all that, part of me is just screaming to get the R334 kit from Motorkitz ( for those not in the know), but with the C-West front bar, and nice smooth fenders. (Would prefer a GTR style bar, but I'll see what's available).
By rights, once I've got the metalwork all fixed up (as there was a bit of bendys in the.. ahh I dunno what it's called. The big metal bar that the bonnet lift-holder-thingy sits in), I'll be getting a new kit.
Anyone got one of these? I'm thinking of getting the CF bonnet to save a bit on painting, but if it's in my interest I'll probably just go for the fiberglass one, and then I guess I'll be looking for flush pins, as for less attention.
Any thoughts?