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Everything posted by oweban

  1. Yeah, yeah, Nimbin. Oh shit, I forgot the chickens.
  2. What I'm going to do is rip out the HICAS computer (I'm assuming it's the shiny silver box attached to the underside of the parcel shelf?) and check to see if there's any loose connections in it or the cable going to it. Because it's only every now and then, it might be due to a loose connection, so here's hoping. Lozza, my problem isn't so much when it sits there idle, it's just randomly (around 30% of the time) when I turn the car on, HICAS light will be on and steering sluggish, and it'll stay that way until I turn it off and wander off, say to the shops. Even then, sometimes it'll be on again when I come back, but all in all, say 30% of the time. But yeah, checking the computer time, methinks.
  3. Corinne's got a few on her camera but not many. Most notable is Shawn wearing her sunglasses. Weewah! EDIT:: whoops, wrong person
  4. Was good to meet you all last night
  5. Spotted JAS-25T down South Beach. Left a friendly note. lol'd
  6. Bump due to price drop. $20ea now.
  7. Got some gauges removed from my car today. Unfortunately the wires aren't all that long, but if you're looking at installing them, chances are you have what you need anyway. AFR gauge is "AutoGauge" brand, Boost gauge is "Race Tech R" brand, and is measured in Bar. Also lights up in 7 colours, whooo! I'm looking at around $30 ono for each, either PM or post if you're interested.
  8. We just took over a whole crapload of pokie servicing in Sydney, wonder if this place is part of it... Hmm. Oh well, if one goes out I'll laugh.
  9. The fun part is that I've got a tuned Power FC. No swapsies.
  10. Gimme gimme! R33 over here, PM me bank deets kthx
  11. My problem, which I've had no luck in getting anyone to know what I'm on about: Sometimes when I turn on my car (not all the time, it didn't do it for around 3 weeks but now it's about every third time I turn it on), the HICAS light stays on. Solid. The whole time it's on, it feels like I have no power steering, eg. the wheel is sluggish and hard to turn. I've checked fluids. That's all fine there. I've got a MOMO steering wheel, but the HKB boss kit (HKB = HICAS compliant), so there's no problems there. If there was a problem there, it'd be permanent, not just every now and then. Anyone got any ideas? I'll be performing a diagnostic this weekend, so I guess I'll post up the results of that then rip the car apart till I can find it. Then lock the damn thing down anyway.
  12. I'm looking at removing my AFR and Boost gauges from my pillar soon and flogging them off; one, it saves me a defect and two, my AVCR can do the boost, and I know my AFR's are right now. I've been told that the AFR gauge is just wires, but the boost gauge has a tube going to somewhere on the engine. Does anyone know whereabouts this is? I'm looking at removing it ASAP, I need the (tiny amount of) cash. Thanks for any help in advance guys, I'm still learning about all this.
  13. South Coast (Wgong down to Nowra) has about 4 of them. Main one you see around is blue with orange stripes.
  14. Seems you stole my comment virginity! How do I know you're gay? You...um... hmm.

  15. I'm there like shareware. (help me, Tomtom!)
  16. Time to organise RDO's for Fridays then...
  17. True, god knows all your lines are probably better than mine. All else fails I'll talk to some friends up in the city, see what I can organise re: accomodation and just train it up or whatnot.
  18. It's more the "my car is going to get stolen in Sydney" paranoia.
  19. I'll scrape together cash for this and I might be up... *fights Sydney paranoia*
  20. Just checking to see if my payment and form has been recieved yet? I know I've got the little tag under my name, just want to double-triple-check.
  21. This is where mine's at, and I'm yet to get any complaints.
  22. Spotted RB25DT between Port Kembla/Warrawong/Cringila today. Very nice.
  23. I'm currently filling out the application form at the behest of Dif, just deciding which sticker to get! (I think I'll just get both.) Whoo!
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