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    R32 GTR, S15 Silvia
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  1. Any luck with getting the lay shaft made gents? Just broke mine on the weekend. Cheers
  2. Do you have any broken ones. Looking for some parts for my broken one. Cheers
  3. I guess you found what you were looking for.
  4. The splitter is an empire aero piece and with a few holes drilled into it that match up to the 4 holes for the stock brake ducts and another 2 on the ends it will bolt up to the stock lip perfectly. there were even some markings on the new splitter that were near spot on where the holes had to go. It's pretty sturdy when it's all bolted up tight but might look into a bit of extra sercurity once the fiber glass is done.
  5. Got a bit to do over the off season. I'm going to try and get the panel work straighted out from the armco incident last year and will be moving the drysump system to the boot. The engine needs to get pulled out as I found out during the year that the stock CP gudgeon pins are only rated to 600hp and at last count we were making around 680 approx when converted through the dyno. Cp offer an upgrade pin which will go in. I have been thinking that just about every panel needs to be painted so was actually thinking about a colour change. Was thinking just a straight white so touch ups are easy and I kinda like white 32s with black/carbon bits. Also want to finish seam welding the floor so the interior will need a lick to. maybe a gunmetal grey or something. Found this photo on the webz that I think mine could look like as I have much the same wing and the same bonnet.
  6. Gee it's been a while since I've updated this. Probably cause not much has happened. I've raced it all year in our local events and without incident and its still working well. Also only doing local events this year as there has been alot going on in my life generally this year away from cars. I have made a few changes to the brakes again by getting rid of the brake booster to allow for better brake modulation with the V8 Supercar brakes which has made it heaps better and not as bitey. Also was able to change the piviot to approximently 6:1 ratio to get the mechanical advantage lost when removing the booster back. Love the brakes now but would like to upgrade the rears to a 34 brembo or something that won't upset the balance as i reckon the bias is perfect now but may fade on the track with the stock 32 rears. Bilet adaptor plate for master cylinder. Also start to experment with some aero mods for next year when I plan on getting down to Brisbane for more events down there. the bonnet and engine bay was working like a big parachute through the kink at lakeside and I could feel the front getting light. This is the mock up I made out of ply which goes back past the cross member to try and smooth the airflow under the car. This will be used as a template for a fiberglass version with a honey comb alloy sandwich material on the inside. Got married this year to but still got out for a few laps at the bitumen sprints in the morning before we had to leave to be at the ceremoney. The lads got to my car while i wasn't looking. Got the 10.5 18s all round now to. pictured here with 03G dunlop 285s but will have 295s on for the start of next season. Actually been trying to use it more and enjoy it. this was taken from a lookout while driving throught the atherton tablelands a few weeks ago for nothing more than having a drive on some open, quite entertaining roads. Just a couple of pics from the sprint rounds this year.
  7. Hey Ben, One of the local camera guys put this together of your efforts in Townsville. Thought you might be interested.
  8. No probs. I'll get something sorted. Thanks anyway. On a side note would you guys be keen to run at the Gambler Shoot out on the 6th of October? A mate of mine is running it at palmyra. Just check out the details at www.gamblershootout.com if you'd be keen to run some heads up and sort some v8 egos out in your own backyard. Minimum 1000 dollars prize money per class.
  9. Ben do you still have that moroso breather tank for sale. Actually lookin at going opposite to you and moving my dry sump tank from the engine bay to the boot. I'll need another breather back there as my current one is shared between the tank and engine breathers.
  10. Only got to see one of your runs at the king of the hill on Saturday. But didn't catch the times you ran. 9.5 something i thought i heard. Looked really strong. Was keen to catch up with you guys for a yarn but had to bail early. Up until you guys came up I had the gtr track record up here in Townsville but you sure gave my 10.7 a fair touch up. Haha. Mine is set up for Tarmac rally though.. Top effort. Might catch up with you at prossie drift when you get that 13 finished. Coop.
  11. Wow what a trip. Lakeside was awesome. Couple of highs and only the one low. Cracked a 58 flat on the first day with only 3 clear laps for the day as I was with a very slow group having never posted a time there. On tuesday I binned it into the armco at the entry to eastern loop trying to give another car some space to pass me and forgot to turn in myself, fell off the track and slipped down the grassy hill and into the fence. Bent a guard, a quarter panel and broke a wheel. Managed to break into the 57s that day. Bashed out the damage and chucked on some borrowed wheels and went out again for a shake down for the Japnats on thursday. Bit scared to go hard with a bit of bruised confidence and borrowed wheels. but still managed some solid 57s. Jap Nats. Well I did 2 sessions on the ageing federal FZ 201 medium compounds and was pretty skatey. The last session came round and I slipped some 18x 10 Advan wheels and Advan AO50 soft compound tyres and instantly dropped 1.5 seconds to post a 56.26 to be the second top qualifier by 0.04 seconds and, from what records I could find makes it the second fastest Skyline ever around Lakeside behind Mr Mark Berry in the Hi Octane R32. Needless to say That made the whole trip worthwhile. Top 20 shootout came around and I got on the brakes too early into turn 1. With the soft tyres I'd pulled up 25 meters too early that I reckon cost me half a second through Carousel but still managed a 56.6 and still good enough for second outright for the day. Because I broke a wheel and bent another one I have just ordered another set of RPF1s but in a 10.5 +15 so with a bit of love I'll get some 285s under there. The diffs were well worth it as I was having alot of oversteer dramas which the lsd in the front has pretty much cured. It actually is a little understeery now which is OK because it's easier to deal with then snap oversteer off throttle. Being a 1.5 in the rear it seems to handle mid corner stuff Ok but the front seems to allow me to get on the noise earlier. Some pics from the week.
  12. Yep. Definately like nothing else I've done befor. Thanks Noel for the day and good to meet you. Great day.
  13. I'll be down from Townsville for the week and should be able to make it out to QR on saturday. Put me down for 1 please.
  14. Quick update about the new brake upgrade. It's working really well and has very solid pedal and a good bias. The r33 master seems to be perfect. My only complaint is that the booster is making it a little hard to modulate. I have a plan to kick it to the curb and re mount the piviot point of the pedal to compensate. Something is working though as I broke our local tracks lap record at the last sprint round. Could also be bigger rubber. I'm now runnning Federal FZ201s in 265 35 18s all round. Well it's off to Lakeside raceway this weekend for a sprint day and I've also nominated for the Japanese Nationals the following weekend. Don't have too many expectations for the Lakside trip as it's the first track I've been on that 5th will see some use so there will be no heroics there. Somewhere under the Magic minute would be nice though. Other than that It'll just be nice to take a week off work and tow the away from the little stuff in Townsville and take it somewhere it can stretch its legs. Been a long time to get it there.
  15. Nah not yet. Too broke to put new tyres on my 18s and they don't fit under the 17s. Hopefully next pay I should have them in and get the braided lines made up. I got a new set of project Mu pads for them from Racer industries while the V8s were in town so nearly ready to go. I have a 33 GTr Master to go in. I'll just see what sort of pedal it has and go from there. Loves the E85. Maxing the 1000cc injectors at about 430rwkw but wound it back a bit untill I can afford some 1500s. Got half a second quicker at the last sprint round so still getting better and heading in the right direction.
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