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Sky GTR Nguyen

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Everything posted by Sky GTR Nguyen

  1. I saw go MAT BLACK.... tough, powerful and graceful look!
  2. I had to same bloody problem! After finally figuring how to remove the stock indicators and putting in the new Nismo ones... damn it, some fag stole my new indicators... So anyways, just put another pack - and here's one possible way of preventing ttheft.... place some bluetak on the sides in the inside...when putting them in, be sure to push a little... now, it actually is much more steadier and harder to remove...good luck.
  3. hi my friends.... Thanks so much for your help... I just tried it... it does slide a bit to the right, but I can't seem to put it outwards towards me on the side... was wondering if someone would be nice enough to send slightly larger pics with step by step instructions... Thanks kindly...
  4. call me slow, but I do not understand...when you say, the back ... where's the back? If it's ok, do you mind, taking a picture of how it looks when just yanked out? then I can picture for myself how to do it. Step by step information would be very appreciated. Thanks
  5. Have to agree with the general consensus here... under car neons (unless it's a show car), is both illegal and very gay-looking it... I mean, if you mod your car, do it because you like it not because you want others to like it... to be honest, I had undercar neons on my old VTEC and it looked so gay, I had to get it removed... don't put them on... you won't have the opportunity to use them much, they scrap heaps when you go over humps (if you car is dumped) and once they're on, you'll extract way too much attention.
  6. So you're saying, don't go in on the sides.... so, say, put in the flathead screwdriver and then jerk it up and down until it comes out? some pics would be good... thanks A few of my friends have the same issue, so if you can help, this would be useufl information for most people on here.
  7. Hi everyone, hope you can help me - needs help on how to remove the organge side indicators and replace them with the nismo clear white ones on the sides? I recently bought some nismo ones and want to remove my existing ones - but finding it too hard... usually, i.e. with Honda's, just get a flat-head screwdriver and yank it out then connect new bulb and put the clear housing in... but upon trying to do this to my Skyline, it started chipping (crackiing a bit) so I stopped as I do not want to damage it further. Some help and/or pics would be much much apprecaited. Hope everyone had a nice new year! Many thanks in advance.
  8. Fellas, I rang them for a quote... to be honest, I am a bit nervous as they are pretty small... not very well known and what's more are based in only 1 state - QLD...so yeah... did some research....and found that these guys are actually only the broker that deals with Caliden Underwriting NOT and insurance company in their own right... in other words, these guys refer business to Caliden and acts on behalf of the client... Up to you guys, but I rather stick to the THIRD PARTY FIRE AND THEFT policy with JUST CARS (owned by AAMI) and know that if a claim was to happen - at least there's some weight behind it...but that's just me... perhaps those that have had claims with Ryno can provide a testimony... Cheers,
  9. Hey all, I own a TOM TOM ONE (old version) - personally think they are best as I like the bigger screens. Anyways, had a car accident a couple of weeks ago and the in-car charger wire was totally damaged - I now left with only the TOMTOM unit and nothing to charge it with. I have looked everywhere - and it seems nearly impossible to get a replace wire anywhere. Can someone please sell one to me or direct me in the right location. Please click here to see pic: http://cgi.ebay.com/TOMTOM-ONE-UK-EUROPE-U...1QQcmdZViewItem Many thanks - would prefer to buy it from somewhere within Australia. Regards, SKY Please sms me on 0403 262 413 should you have any news....
  10. Damn, the Kakimoto kit is so hot - but hard to import and from what you said seems expensive? Cheers,
  11. On the topic of bodykits...guys, do you have any good bodykit places in Melbourne? Cheers,
  12. Guys, Post some pics of your rides? Any GT-R look-a-likes?
  13. Hey mate, I am totally new to all this bodykit stuff - what does this mean? A few pictures would be great.
  14. Hey mate, Should work fine.... You need Winrar...or the latest version of Winzip! Attaching again for you anyways. R33_Chosen_Look.zip
  15. Hey guys... on the topic of a Wolf in Sheeps clothing topic... I've put together something that I am thinking of going ahead with... Can you please download the small 1mb file and let me know if my chosen combination for a full bodykit would do...any suggestions would be lovely.. I will also post this outside as a separate topic... would appreciate any feedback as I will go ahead with this soon... Regards, SKY R33_Chosen_Look.zip
  16. What is this world coming to ah, guys? Oh by the way, MERRY CHRISTMS TO ONE AND ALL.... WHY UP SO LATE GUYS? Hey guys... on the topic of a Wolf in Sheeps clothing topic... I've put together something that I am thinking of going ahead with... Can you please download the small 1mb file and let me know if my chosen combination for a full bodykit would do...any suggestions would be lovely.. I will also post this outside as a separate topic... would appreciate any feedback as I will go ahead with this soon... Regards, SKY R33_Chosen_Look.zip
  17. Hi hih i... no, not because he has a NA car... I used to drive a NA Honda... love it to bits... but because he wanted to be a GT-R so bad, he had to show off so hard that it hurts.... hih ihi
  18. ha ha ha ha.... I laughed so hard, I fell of my chair..... damn, I like you already! nicely put... Yeah, I have to say, LANCER drivers are a bit sad.... why? Not so much because of their ride - respect to all....but man, they really over do the point... LANCERS are amongst the cheapest models of cars a person can own (nothing wrong with that, mind you)... but man, decal on their windscreens, stickers on the sides and running around on a 1.8 4 cyclinder car - damn it, they think they own the road? Hey, go EVO if you think you want to take a LANCER to the next level yo! LOL Straight up. SKY
  19. Respect. Damn, nicely said. I really respect dudes that are proud of what they got, not always day-dreaming for what they cannot have or can't afford YET. I will try to make my GSt-T do proud if I were to badge it GT-R... To make it worst... I came across a NON-TUBO R33 the other day with overdone GT-R badges everywhere... I mean, one on the grill, two on the side indicators, 1 on each side of the side skirt and a big one at the back... when I drove past and let of my BOV... the guy was so N/A it hurt.... damn it, I had to let one off.... sped infront of the fool and did a massive burnout and blew him off with some waste... BOV yo! hi hi hi... LOL - I mean, someone needs to be bashed... agreed?
  20. Hi hi hi.... your post says it nicely.... I mean, I have the understanding for people that idolise the GT-R brand, name and look - there's nothing wrong with that...but trying to be one is, in my personal opinion ok, but if you wear the GT-R badge, you gotta back it up with some GO not all SHOW... I mean, to be honest, i am trying to make my GTS-T look like a GT-R - more so because I have a lot of respect for the GT-R and it's look... but I am planning to spend some G's on performance...so when, if I do, put the GT-R badge on, at least I give it a good name... SKY
  21. Respect. Represent. Nicely put mate!! Speaking of which, I'll tell you something really funny... I used to drive a Honda Accord with full bodykit etc... a few guys in a Holden Commodore rocks up next to me and says: "hey mate, is that car fast - you wanna race?" I mean, some blokes have no idea.... Like what Emsta said - I must say, not much people on the road knows the differences between a GTS-T and a GT-R. Cheers
  22. A bit like a WRX, Skylines are unique in all aspects... after like 5000 RPM's - the Skyline roars like a Godzilla - nothing else can come close.
  23. Go to Mr. Muffler - get a Muffler that's within the legal DB limit - get the guys to write you up a report stating that it's legal - make a copy of it and keep it in your car... When a copper pulls you over - show them the paperwork and that will shut him up. That's what I've found...
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