ive recently bought a BOV for my r32 skyline , and after getting it installed, and driving, i keep losing idle if that makes sense and the car just stalls outa nower.. i think its called losing vacuum. anyway after adjusting a screw on the BOV the problem was fixed, but again after a few months, every now n then my car stalls, for example il have it in 3rd gear on 4rpm, then put it into neautral, and u see the rpm rush down to nearly zero and the car nearly stalls. however, next time i start the car and drive the problem is fixed and i have a smooth drive.. the vacuum pressure on the stock gage also varies time to time..
anyhow, my idle has kinda dropped from 1 to about 800, so i wanna increase it .. where is the idle adjustment.. its sumwerrr lol but i cant find it?
can anyone help?