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Everything posted by Anthrax....R33

  1. has anyone had a bodykit fitted recently? where did you guys have it done and how much did it cost to have it color matched? also what are you guys oppinions on the r33 2 door final konexion body kit? i like the rear and skirts but not the front....ive bought one becuase they are different ... but am now thinking about swapping the front bumper with a trust....
  2. i can see your point.....but im hardly gonna start tellin all you guys runnin 400 rwkw skylines that my "modified" skylines runnin 193 hp lol
  3. Anthrax....R33


    ughhh.......if they could afford the petrol to run one of these 2 litre "milk cartons" guarantee theyd be driven one too....thats if they actually did some work instead of throwin shit at people driven what they cant have
  4. LOL found it....thanks mate
  5. hey its probably the easyest thing to do.....but does anyone know where to change the type of engine youve got in your little box on the forums page, i cant find it anywhere....
  6. haha thats pretty damn amazing....i might go n pat my rb 4 a while
  7. most guys throw a fmic on before runnin that boost though hey ??
  8. oh well great to here shes runnin like she should be
  9. nah i havnt put my ebc on yet cuz i was told it will run like a dog and i needa get a power fc or such to run any boost , its a 93 model
  10. hey i was just wonderin if you guys know what this would be converted to rwkw.... is this good for a standard gtst? its only got a turbo back exhuast an a pod filter??
  11. LOL that thing ed be a ticking time bomb wouldnt it??
  12. from what i know there usually good for around 250 - 300 rwkw before your gonna want to rebuild....never hurts to rebuild the bottom end while running this sorta power though
  13. well does anyone know who might be able to tell me the color code as in would a paint shop know???
  14. hi guys, just wonderin if you guys know this cars paint code? it looks blue in say....an underground carpark then a greeny colour in the sunlight and a almost purply color under the street lights... i thought i had found the color code when someone on the forums said the color was only bought out on series 2 ? so that bought me back to square 1 any wayz while im here does any one know of a good place in brisbane / the goldcoast i can get my body kit fitted and color matched to this color? and how much do you roughly think it will cost ? any ideas?
  15. hey guys i need your advice on boosting my r33.... its got an apexi air intake, full turbo back blitz exhuast, and iridium spark plugs....anywayz i bought an blitz i color ebc and thought id put this in running at about 8 psi as in low boost followed shortly by a greddy fmic when all of a sudden i read in one of the forums that the and i quote " earlier year models run like a dog when you boost them" can anyone explain why and what im going to have to do to keep this thing running schmick once i install my ebc?
  16. After reading these forums for 3 years and dreaming about even being a passenger in one, let alone driving one i took a chance 8 months ago and bought a skyline over car sales, didnt even get to see the car....stupid i know but i had a feeling and went with it...the guy reversed it off the truck and i jumped in my first skyline...from the moment i put my foot on that accelorator i knew id made a mad ass decision then i snapped second oh man....ive still got the same ass stupid grin i had that morning on my face as im typing this now
  17. cheers for that mate.....im gonna go and have a play around with it now .....im getting impatient just thinkin about that extra boost...
  18. can anyone help me out installing this boost control?? i cant find a decent english manual anywhere an ive had it like 6 months lol
  20. hi mate..... will you accept 1400 for them? ill pay you right now if you will.... its just ill have to get them sent to me via a courier
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