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Black Widow

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Everything posted by Black Widow

  1. no i think that's enough lol
  2. Thanks Terry. I'll definitely try and cover some of that. Especially the individuality it represents Thanks mate
  3. I plan on it BigWillieStyles. Just want to research it first and have as much supportive information as i can possibly get. Then i'll get around to writing a well constructed, informative piece, rather than propaganda from a modified car fanboy
  4. My aim is simply to attempt to get a piece of writing published that outlines the positive aspects of the modified car community. Only the ones involved are aware of the number of charity cruises that are held, and the amount of money that has come from our community to support various charities. I'm sick of the media only ever showing one side, and while i don't expect to change the general attitude of the entire media, as i am only one person. Even if just one person reads the story. It'll do something (i hope) On the other hand, it may just get someone ranting and raving how the modified car scene believe they are hard done by, and there's still idiots on the road, and there's a reason that "hoon" laws were brought in blah blah blah. And whether it's the best move or not, i wont deny that. We all know there are plenty of idiots on the road, but i want people to recognise that we're not all bad. We do have hearts, and brains, and just generally enjoy the idea of working on cars. I want to make sure i produce a well researched piece of writing. So if people are willing to support the cause, if i created a simple survey for you to fill out, or get peoples opinions on certain things. It's about time that our side of the story was heard, even by one person (P.S. Pretty sure this wont help: news story
  5. Does the bentley have just numbers on the plates? Or it's personalised..i can't remember. But last time i saw it, a guy was driving?
  6. Hey Guys, I've been thinking for a while of possibly writing an article (whether it gets run or not is another issue) And i'm not sure whether people have attempted to go down this path before hand, but i was hoping to write an article that shon a positive light on the import car scene, and hopefully try and get it run in a newspaper or something (i understand the possibility of this is slim to none, as i can pretty much predict that the editor will just laugh at it and bin it) But what are your thoughts? Has it been done before/too much? Should i not bother? Thanks guys Nick
  7. spotted a white 911 GT2 this morning in Norwest Also think i spotted a Ferarri 328 GTS the other day in Kellyville
  8. OK so just let me clarify something cos i'm a bit confused. Firstly the rear end of the Liberty is an 01ish Liberty, the front end is an 06-08 Liberty, so why have you got Liberty WRX Widebody? It's clearly an older liberty with a newer front end made wide. Just wanted to clear it up. Good luck with the sale mate. Not my cup of tea, but hey each to their own
  9. Steve-O, i just want to clarify, i hate you. I hate you so bad right now
  10. HAHAHAHA Well played Terry Kuma J: "What you mean cash your way???? It's a fair swap!!!"
  11. Loving the Audi mate! Love the shape of the new A4s..nice buy!
  12. I think it's a shame that the committee are considering not having awards next year. Such a shame. I know when we handed out the awards from the R34 GT-R cruise, people were stoked, and as someone suggested, that was a "Peoples choice" that included a ballot type system. Seemed to work well. Hopefully i'll make the next one (hopefully even might have a GT-R to enter) - if not, will be good to meet some peeps
  13. probably the first (and last car) I'll ever see with "veilside" attached to it, that looks any good
  14. Thought i should throw up a comparison pic I've got a better one at home with the 2 cars on either side of a walkway
  15. I keep spotting an Aston Martin DB9, and Bentley Continental around Norwest/Castle Hill.
  16. Hmmmm.. This looks somewhat similar to my wedding photo lol:
  17. This would be an insane collectors item. Surely this will sell for heaps. Good luck with it Malcolm. If only i had the money...
  18. Looks the goods mate! Colour suits it really well
  19. Ok cool thankyou Baron! Has given me something to seriously consider when the time comes.
  20. Could be wrong, possible o2 sensor issue? so i guess yes could possibly be tune related?
  21. Yeah i saw that Kristian! white one yeah? Believe me if i had the 28k i would've bought it! That's possibly a smarter way of looking at it. Cos yes i would be looking to mod. Is there a "V-Spec" R32? Would you say that would be a more valid option? Or would your preference still lie with a non-spec, late model, low KM's GTR?
  22. I personally wasn't keen on the circuit. I thought there were too many chicanes included, and yes as everyone else has said it was too tight. I don't think it was suited for V8s. Maybe F1 could handle it. But i think it was just a poorly designed course.
  23. How often do you see R32 N1s Kristian? Eventually when i'm in the market for a 32 GT-R, i'll be looking for an N1 (or V-Spec II)
  24. I'd have to agree here. The GT/XT Forester is a fairly sturdy piece of machinery. Definitely has the guts, and has plenty of room. Like Terry has suggested, i would probably look for something around the 04-05 era, as they will more than likely be in your price range (or if you get lucky and find someone selling a cheaper MY06+ then go for it!) For your reference, this is the MY05 model: This is the MY06 model:
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