My aim is simply to attempt to get a piece of writing published that outlines the positive aspects of the modified car community. Only the ones involved are aware of the number of charity cruises that are held, and the amount of money that has come from our community to support various charities.
I'm sick of the media only ever showing one side, and while i don't expect to change the general attitude of the entire media, as i am only one person. Even if just one person reads the story. It'll do something (i hope)
On the other hand, it may just get someone ranting and raving how the modified car scene believe they are hard done by, and there's still idiots on the road, and there's a reason that "hoon" laws were brought in blah blah blah. And whether it's the best move or not, i wont deny that. We all know there are plenty of idiots on the road, but i want people to recognise that we're not all bad. We do have hearts, and brains, and just generally enjoy the idea of working on cars.
I want to make sure i produce a well researched piece of writing. So if people are willing to support the cause, if i created a simple survey for you to fill out, or get peoples opinions on certain things.
It's about time that our side of the story was heard, even by one person
(P.S. Pretty sure this wont help: news story