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Black Widow

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Everything posted by Black Widow

  1. spotted a DB9 in lithgow Caltex filling up yesterday
  2. Mine's GTR?!?!?!?! *faints*
  3. I know i'm a bit slow to post, and many people have probably already said this but anywho. I'm currently doing marketing, and we've recently started talking about how damaging it could be targeting a "lower" market for a prestige product (e.g Ferarri making a budget car - would lower the prestige associated with the brand) Same concept with the GTR. The GTR is clasified as a super car. It has been released as a Supercar, all that the R35 stands for is the GTR. Whereas the other skylines so far have obviously had the GTSt/GT-T's AND the GTR, but the GTR's weren't marketed this much, and weren't as sophisticated as this thing. I probably just spoke a whole lot of crap, and it probably doesn't make sense
  4. HOLY F-ING SH!T!!!!! When i first saw the picture of this i was like "mmm...looks ok...not sure tho" (baring in mind my mate sent me the pic on my phone so it was tiny) Seeing this picture just scared the crap out of me!!! That's the devils car! It looks so evil...it looks like it will decimate everything on the track.
  5. That was actually pretty good. Voted i wanted to do this but didn't think i'd be good enough
  6. see this is why now that i've got my shitter s13, i wish i had of held out, looked around a bit more, and spent just a little more..to have something like this...wow.
  7. yeah i heard about that this morning! I was like oh crap... spotted 2 black 34 GT-ts yesterday on sunnyholt road, one wingless and a black 350GT...i was next to you in the excel staring at your wheels lol..on here?
  8. Thanks for clearing that up buddy!
  9. isn't the KPGC10 a GTR??? Wow gettin my facts confused lol Matt i just sent you an email mate!
  10. Should've been there the day we met him..... Hell Yes!!! That looks mint!!! And being the ORIGINAL GT-R...would kind of be rude not to have it there lol
  11. bahaha...i just had to check the rego you gave me yesterday... and BINGO!!! It was you! Top car buddy!
  12. spotted a black 32 GTR today..windsor rd..turned into Caltex??
  13. Thanks Jez that'd be awesome!!
  14. oh...probably not then lol
  15. Jez13 u drive a 32 GTR? What plates? I may have spotted you.
  16. I actually lol'd when i read that!
  17. U funny *milkshake* albert!
  18. nah not me man...i'm off redden dr
  19. Hey y'all.. Just wanted to let everyone know, that it is my birthday, and i am now the proud owner of a PS3!! WOOHOO!!! Thanks to my gorgeous fiance!!! Anyway.. that is all! Nick
  20. Oh definitely going to be keeping an eye on this! Can't wait to see the final product Bakes!
  21. man u always gotta shit on everyones threads! seriously...
  22. spotted a silver 32 GTR in kellyville, no front plates?? white 34 last night, plates were TEK 09 and a white stag at Richmond Hogs Breath, QLD plates, R34 GTR rims...
  23. well u said voiding warranty..not insurance...to me that is different.
  24. spotted a DB9 yesterday in norwest
  25. nope... can't say i do... but anyway...moving on now
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