"Do I have to comply the vehicle as soon as it comes in ?
The timeframe for compliance is effectively between you and the Compliance Plate Approval holder (CPA). The main factor to consider is the anniversary date of the CPA's approval. Every year the CPA gets 25 compliance plates, and the plates are renewed on the date the approval went through originally. If the CPA still has 11 months on their approval and you pay for the compliance plate up front, then they are probably not going to be concerned if you take 6 months to get the car complied. However, if they only have 2 months left before the renewal date and have promised you one of their last 2 plates for that year, then they are going to lose money if you delay past that date. If delaying compliance is something you intend to do, then you must consider these factors."
From Geoff Site http://www.prestigemotorsport.com.au/