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Everything posted by long33

  1. were havent i been!? lol well i was in melbourne for a while meeting sals family, and wen we got back ive been at work heaps and next weekend is the first weekend off i have this year! however i am lookin atm for a new job because i have been informed by my work that if i dont get better by the 19th of next month (still have a crook back from falling off a scaffold last march) that i wont have a job anymore. and if i get the job i want at sals work ill have every weekend off!!! yipee!
  2. hey guys so glad to hear everyone is up for this! cant wait to see everyone again. so sunday seems like the most popular day?! depending on numbers (ie depending on if i have enough chairs!) and the weather, i mite have to break out the new mini bbq i got and head to the beach down here. still waiting on a few certain members of the coffee crew to get in touch and then il confirm everything via pm. sorry moderating crew (forgot the "eoi") ill change it now to give the date.
  3. hey guys irish here how are u all? BBQ on Sunday Avo (2nd march) just over the border in NSW. Meet in usual spot, have a highway run down to the border and set up for a bbq and a few drinks. cancelled cos everyone bailed Attendees:-
  4. i just started my 2nd year of cover with just car, im 20 now but wen i first got my line i was 19 and for 3rd party, fire and theft for one year cost me $363! okay its not fully comp but i always said i will never go fully comp until i either get a BRAND new car and HAVE to, or wen i turn 25, whatever car i have then, ill fully comp it. But i have a 33 gtst 4door and if i am so stupid to crash it so be it.
  5. didnt mean to start a row guys jeez, just askin a question that wasnt ans in any of the 100's of threads.i wanted info before i took off the standard one and f,d up my car. but to the people that ans my question thank you, i got a turbo xs adaptor kit and yes indeed it came with a plug for the return pipe. put it on the car last night with my brother-in-law and went for a spin down the road and we pissed ourselves laughing the whole drive, had so much fun even with the bov as tight as it can go it sound funny. no stalling, hunting, nothing runs fine. only prob is i want to loosen the bov to make more noise but wen i flick the boost up and plant it the top of the bov looks like its going to unscrew itself and pop off, only on 10psi. anyone know how to stop that?
  6. ahhh so thats where the coke lid theory comes from, herd all about this coke lid trick but never knew what it was about lol, may try that then!
  7. its not metal just rubber hosea bit bigger than a vac hose, that comes out of the bov and back to the turbo(i think, cant see the end of it) maybe it does lead to metal pipe i cnt remember. i guess ill try just leaving it then i guess! wont do any damage or affect idle/afm?
  8. ok ok im sorry another bov thread but ive searched and cant find an answer newhere, im puttin an atmospheric blow off valve in the position of the old one with an adaptor and just want to know what to do with the plumback line wen i install the new bov as it has no nipple for it only for the vac line. its a pretty big hose so... do i tape it up or connect it somewhere else or what?help!
  9. im really annoyed i cant make it to see everyone. Ill be in melb until the 3rd of feb, but when i get back, as promised, i will organise a bbq at our new joint. The concrete got done the other day so its ready to go! miss u all guys!
  10. haha i know! def a fire risk so i got over it. making it faster is on the long list of plans, wich has begun as i now have the boost controller workin, need an ecu upgrade next, but before anything else goes on im gettin it serviced and tuned. like to lower it next. anybody know will i need to get new shocks if i put in lower springs?
  11. i finally de-riced the car, check out the difference. no more dodgy wiring lol. all neons now for sale btw including a set of undercars!!
  12. got it on and had a run on the highway gonna turn the dials a lil bit today on my way to work to see if the boost holds on a higher psi cos its still going to 10psi on take off then dropping. here are a few pics btw
  13. will test it all properly 2moro as i have the day off.id say i may have a boost leak, had probs a while ago and thot boost leak but prob dissapeared, maybe thats all it is. Im going to change the position of the boost guage and put it in line with the hose goin from the nipple on cooler piping to the wastegate then the reading shud be rather accurate.(ill also dissconect the vac guage i have runing of the same pipe as it may be affecting the reading lol) also will get some hose clamps too, worth it in the long run. will let u know how it goes. btw- what sort of price are the piggyback ecu's? also my cars auto so would a piggy ecu work cos power fc says its only for manuals?!
  14. hmmm, did what u described and went for a test drive, car runs fine but as for the boost its strange, on takeoff or when u put the foot down boost goes to 10psi for a sec or more then drops off back to what it ran stock(on my aftermarket guage it reads 5psi, has done since i installed it however maybe the problem is my guage isnt hooked up to the right hose??!!!) neway there is a noticable increse in boost to begin with then it drops off heaps to normal is what im sayin. grrr this unit annoys me, can u by any chance post a pic of where u put the t piece. maybe my ground is the prob, i just dont know. ahhh!
  15. thanks man i apperecite all that info, all i needed to know was where the stupid t-piece conected to!everyting else i already did. i also have a 33gtst btw. i have an upgraded cooler (fmic of course), pod and turbo-back 3" exhaust so basically what ur sayin is that with these mods only (no ecu upgrades) with the dials turned right down the only psi u can run is 10 and its like that constantly then if and wen i upgrade the ecu i can still only turn the raise dial up to 12psi with the stock turbo and flick between 10psi and 12psi until i get a new turbo? hmmmm, maybe i shuda saved and got a boost-tee. haha lol well, at least it will come in handy if i upgrade the turbo. btw i REALLY appreciate ur help mate, u have solved u huge mystery for me. Dazza
  16. I have installed the above unit as per instructions(just realised i havent removed the factory boost control solenoid but i dont know where that is either!) and am having a few problems, there doesnt seem to be anything happening!!?? ive done test runs and changed the dials to increase pressure but my boost gauge and my stomach aint feeling a difference. I fear that i may not have the pressure lines hooked up to the wrong pipes. Can anyone help me with pics maybe or more specific instructions on how and where these things are :
  17. i x2 wanting to know where to get a set of these, in ireland they were everywhere, plus in every car shop you could also buy a spray can which wen sprayed on the plate did the same job but u had to respray everytime it rained or u washed the car which is how they made money, everyone bought like 10cans at a time lol and the cheap people (equivelant to boostlossers over here) used hairspray or sumtin instead but that never worked lol. wonder if u laminated the plated would that work? lol
  18. dan and gav i had thought about. think i may give dan a bell as ive met him and he has helped me out a bit in the past.thing that im worried about is what ACTUALLY gets done to the car, i sorta want to bring it back to the condition it was in 50,000 ks ago, id like everything cleaned and/or replaced to sorta bring it back to the condition it was before it had been thrashed for the last year so i can up the boost in it and not wory bout something breaking or not being able to handle it. can such an old car with 15yr old componants take an increase in boost this late in the game without being rebuilt. id like the car to last a few more years! ps thanks for the help again.
  19. Hey guys, my cars sitting on about 99,600k's so the 100,000km service is goin to have to be done soon. Usually i service the car myself due to not trusting mechanics and not wantin to pay some-one to do soming i can do just fine (not take the car in for a service costing hundreds just for oil change, plugs and filters) however the manual states that at the 100,000 mark things that need replaced are oil oil filter drive belts coolant air filter (pod) fuel filter timing belt break fluid pwr steering fluid diff gear oil break pads etc plugs for me to do this would take quite some time and finding all those parts to suit the car might be trouble some i think, also some of those things id have no idea how to replace! does neone know where i could get some-one to do all this? is it all covered by a mechanic if i ask for a major service? also if no mechanic would do all this where could i get all the parts that are direct replacements for the originals (dont want to go to supercheap and get cheap dud replacements) i would prefer names of somewhere that would do all of these as works pretty busy atm. any suggestions? where did YOU get your 100,000 service done???? thanks for all ur help Irish
  20. im sorry to hear this mickey, but then that aussies for u, all talk (btw guys i dont mean all aussies, just those ones that think there tougher than every other race) had a similar thing happen to me a week ago, guy was RIGHT up my arse on the highway on the coast and i put my break lights on in an attempt to get him off my backside, neway he then pulled up to me and started abusing me so i just told him to f*k off and drove off (he was in an old magna i believe, too slow to keep up with me) neway he followed for about 20k's intermitanly flashing high beams at me, pulling up and abusing me, swerving into my lane etc. i just put my windows up and drove, then he started waving a metal trolly bar out the window telling me to pull over! ahaha as if im goin to pull over on the highway at night in the dark, what an idiot so i took off in fear of him throwing the bar at my car!.neway had no balls cos he followed me off the highway to a set of lights where i HAD to stop cos of a red light, he pulled up beside me, then took off down a side road. all talk until we pulled over and he wouldnt get out of the car, sad really. he did all this too with his prob 9yr old son in the passenger seat! these guys obviously have no driving skills, and dont want to admit they were in the wrong cos they think there the best drivers in the world. dont wor mike, ur tops. Irish
  21. for all that free labour mate u could put whatever stickers u wanted all over my car! id go everwhere and anywhere. if only i could drift!
  22. haha funny, lol and ill show u what an mspec bar on a 33 4door looks like as soon as i pick mine up and put it on! (sittin at vishes house atm)
  23. enough with the negativity, cheer kiddos. (im sorry im just glad its not me) but seriously everyone know u deserved better than this and if ne of us find out who they are-out come the bats just cheer up and have a good chrissy ok? and if u need help scoutin a line for nadeem-im here to help. always keepin my eye out for the parts on the tweed, dazza
  24. cant wait for the rest vish, they look ausome,soooo wish we cuda come twice but o well. have fun on the 22nd and thanks again.
  25. 1st chance i had 2 get on the net this morn since i got vish's msg. cant believe what they have done. sif cops "couldnt chase" if they saw me doin skids id be in lock up an hr later without a doubt. damn bastards, sorry this happened to such a nice pair of people!
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