haha, glad someone got a laugh at it.
i thoroughly enjoyed my nationals experience. ive spouted my joy all over the R31 forums (which is where i am commonly found)
ive gotta say, back in the day when i first ventured onto this forum, i thought you were all a biased pack of jerks.
the attitude seems to have changed, and i like it!
it was a pleasure to see both sau and r31club members interacting in the same area.
ive always known R31's arent the choice for all, but its damn nice to see times and attitudes have changed..
you might see me out and about more often, that was my first track day and i loved it, pulled a 1.31.44...
Gavin - R31sc Admin Team.
p.s, how do i get my username changed? sus-031 is a tad juvenile and i dont run those plates anymore...