Hi guys,
I've had my '33 for a couple of months now, and have desperately being trying to find some specific information in regards to cleaning, and more importantly, polishing my dished rims. I have some gold 18" Volk GTN's, and there is quite a large dish at the rear, and a smaller one at the front. I'm fine with the actual rims themselves, but the dishes are an absolute shit to clean, and despite washing and drying properly, they have all of these ugly trace watermarks remaining, not to mention a certain dull sheen.
I tend to use Meguiars Hot Rims, which is pretty good for the rim...but doesn't really help the dish. I tried a bit of Autosol (probably not a good idea), which didn't do a damn thing, I'm at a loss.
Is my only option, presuming they are clear-coated, to have them stripped of the coat, polished, and coated again, or is there another option.