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  1. Use of monolifts for squatting, wraps for "raw", crap judging, specialised bar for deadlift (to allow more weight to be moved), foot and posterior placement on bench (as well as the judging). I won't get into the equipped side as I'm a raw lifter, but multiply does not compare to single ply. I got sucked into thinking they were the "stronger" feds when I first started lifting, thanks to Markos spamming his videos endlessly. ***Monolift is also a safety measure. Those straps are there to catch the 300+kg barbell when someone fails. The spotters shouldn't and can't catch that and if they tried, would break their limbs. ***Wraps for raw is just that. It is defined as RAW and a lifting suit is defined as equipped. That is how the feds rule book is written. It's like saying you think the speed limit should be 50 everywhere instead of 60. ***Crap judging... well I guess you are a better judge from where you're sitting... on your couch... in your lounge room while judging lifts filmed on a mobile phone from a random angle and height. ***specialised bar... again.. rules for the fed ***Foot and arse placement... really...?? you have a disdain for non IPF because they can bend further due to being on toes instead of flat foot? and arse.. it has to be touching the bench.. it's a simple rule. ***Equipped is equipped.. whether you do single or multi-ply depends on your ability to take pain and pressure. No use even talking about equipped as it's a completely different sport. ***Markos "spamming" his videos endlessly" is/was to promote more people to lift for strength. Nick from these forums went from an ugly 170kg squatter to one of the strong guys in the gym. Birds the most astheticsbrahfaggot type even tried a novice comp and kind of enjoyed it.. even his cardio bunny girlfriend has turned to strength training. YOU got in to powerlifting. His videos were posted to get people motivated to better themselves. I'm sure if I tried steroids I could by mr olypmia. If you haven't tried it you're just assuming. Personally, my best bare knees walked out v wrapped and mono was 7.5kg others get much much more but without trying it for yourself, you're assuming that you'll smash it. Try it and see if you can handle the pain of wraps.. See if it throws your squat pattern out of it's grove... it changes things. You "read" it.. so now it must be true and are spouting it around like it's fact. well which is it? are you saying that due to making lots of money from PTC and GPC he's hiding his lifters gear usage or are you not trying to attack him as a person or denigrate what he does? The reality is, I don't even compete in powerlifting anymore and shouldn't really care.... But there is always people like you around. Who have done absolutely NOTHING for the sport of powerlifting, who have opinions on what's good and what's bad about different feds. And everyone is entitled to have their opinion... but when you stand up on your soap box and make wide sweeping statements about the judging, the running, the drug use of "EVERY" non IPF powerlifter and the cover-up of it due to monetary reasons, it pisses me off. I'm sure Markos won't give a f**k what you have to say or know who you are. He is someone who started trained people in his garage. Back then, CAPO states comp had about 30 lifters competing. He almost doubled the amount of lifters by taking people from his garage there. Powerlifting in Aus grew and grew with his persistence. His own ProRaw comp is now on the international stage being held alongside the Arnold Classic. So while you try to segregate tested and non tested feds and talk shit about the non tested side according to you, the person you speak ill of busy trying to grow the sport.. to get even more people involved... to make it even more of a spectacle to get yet even more people in to it. One other thing... PA, prevent it's lifters from lifting in non PA sanctioned events. All other feds allow their lifters to lift in whatever comp they want with whatever fed it's held with. Markos's ProRaw was created to bring competition back to competing. Where the best lifters of each weight division in all feds can come together and compete with the best of other feds, on the same stage, on the same day, using the same equipment, same judges. His event has seen world wide recognition. He has and will continue to have the best lifters from around the world fly over to compete with the best from other countries. That's powerlifting. Competing against the true best. Not just the ones from your gym, or city, or state or fed. Against the best of the best from all feds.. well not PA.. Because they're not allowed. Because you know... they might catch steroids by lifting in the same room as people who may be using.
  2. nah f**k that... a better example is that someone who drove an auto Festiva for years has read about holden and ford and after learning to drive manual in both has chosen the Holden... bought a lifetime supply of Chev badges and is plastering them on every panel... has practiced a couple of launches and has run a 14.9 at 105mph with a 2.6 60' He now believes that any Ford driver that runs better times must be using slicks filled with nitrogen and probably has a hiflow turbo in the stock housing. And that on Ford only drag racing days, the organisers of the event hand out free N20 to all attendees and do discreet install for them so that when they race a chevolden they can pretend to be stock but they aren't. He also has ordered a new badge instead of JDM as f**k its Ignorant as f**k.
  3. Wow Boz.. just wow.. you not only drank from the Wilks coolaid, you guzzled the whole lot. Some of the shit you're typing is just f**king unbelievable. You must be f**ked in the head mate. You (A nobody in the sport of powerlifting), to get online on to a small section of a single brand car forum and say such things about people you have no knowledge about, where they can't see/read your petty opinions, must make you feel real good about yourself. The same self that was a fat useless f**k for the majority of his years... the same self that couldn't thank Markos enough for his simple program and articles/blogs about lifting and eating philosophy... To now say shit like this about Markos as a person, as a businessmen, about "every single non IPF affiliated lifter" in powerlifting all over the world is just sickening. Just unbelievable You should be ashamed to call yourself a powerlifter. In fact, you should just outright be ashamed of yourself in general to not only say this shit but to also think it.
  4. oh for shame birds.. for shame... the shit we do for pussy hey?
  5. just use mix grip and stop twisting.
  6. Takes for ever to get "somewhat better" Never heals 100%... if your chosen activity is lifting.
  7. Xray won't show anything useful for you leesh. Yeah you'll have a bend in your spine or a tilt in your hips but that doesn't tell you anything and it can't be fixed now that you're an adult. MRI or possibly a CT scan. I think you can get a GP to request a CT scan and it will be free. MRI will cost cash
  8. Before the lab testing, Bulk Nutrients had reaction kits. Basically it reacted to carbs. I had some No Bull banana. I got some sustagen that was laying around (that milo type stuff that claims has protein) and some dextrose (essentially 100% sugar) I tested the dextrose first.. you mix a little bit in with the liquid, heat it in a microwave for a few seconds. the chemical, when heated reacts to the substance you put in it and changes colour.. bright orange = pure sugar. close to black = lowest sugar. anyway, my test on the no bull banana was slightly less orange than the dextrose. So on another forum, I was asking about lab testing and some dude said that he works in a lab where they test coal. Lab testing basically checks for the nitrogen content in the product and some calculation gives you the percentage.. He tested his own professional whey he had there and then the No Bull banana I sent him.. this was his PM to me..
  9. Bulk Nutrients were the ones that started all the protein testing wars. they still have a service where you can send your stuff to a lab to get tested. People were all like "oh well they are paying for it so it will be fudged..." I sent 3 different Bulk Nutrient WPC flavours to the lab and labelled them as a different brand. All came up within 2% of their stated figures. No Bull Supplements were the ones that were cutting the merchandise so to speak.
  10. brown rice is what would be bloating you I reckon. The same amount of brown rice v white rice would ruin me for a day
  11. Details man.. share it!!
  12. Dan http://breakingmuscle.com/strength-conditioning/the-rail-system-shoulder-mobility-for-the-bench-press
  13. go see someone man Find out what it is exactly. it's usually scap or subscap. depending on what movement hurts will say which it is.. and which exercises you should do and which you should avoid.
  14. depending on what the issue is / exactly what causes the pain, you can find a way around it. Front squats don't externally rotate the shoulder at all and that's the most common shoulder pain. Hands out further will make it harder to keep the bar stable but means the shoulders rotate much less. This shit is pretty good to with really light weight.
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