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Everything posted by TTT

  1. pretty sure you can get standard bar hole size.
  2. the xray pic looks so bad you'd think it was photoshopped. but sadly it's real
  3. if it were me, and I was forced to use 10kg plates, I'd get measurements of a proper 20kg plate, work out the difference, and cut some blocks to put under them. Having said that, deficit deadlifts (which you are doing) are a great assistance exercise for deadlifts. But not a replacement. /my opinion.
  4. well new auto trans fluid but yes.. any brand. I just bought a 1L bottle of castrol auto trans fluid and it gives me 2 flushes. I do it every 3rd oil change.
  5. well new auto trans fluid but yes.. any brand. I just bought a 1L bottle of castrol auto trans fluid and it gives me 2 flushes. I do it every 3rd oil change.
  6. dead lift vids look fine mate. are you using 10kg plates? it looks like you start really low.
  7. I get shin bruising. No blood but it is common for many people. use mix grip when conventional grip fails. Keep in mind that the arms are just hooks. No bending. Use which ever hand under feels comfy. Mine is left under.
  8. I'll see if I can post my back xray for a laugh.
  9. 500ml auto trans fluid in the oil. Idle for 15 minutes. Dump oil and filter. there's your flush.
  10. Also, never use collars when doing bench by yourself. Worst comes to worst you can tip the bar to one side and the plates will fall off and then fling to the other side and drop those plates and your safe.
  11. With an empty bar lie down and see if the bar hits your throat or the safeties. If I lower to my chest it will touch my chest but if lowered to my throat it hits the safety bars.
  12. more injuries? what happened to the other fellas?
  13. Just buy some speed.
  14. you can't feel the needles. it's not like a doctors needle.
  15. I trained at out under the patio at 5am for about 3 years. Winter was always much much harder... temp wise and lighting. The last thing I wanted to do was hold on to that freezing cold bar. As the years went by, each winter just got harder and harder and the knees and back took longer and longer to warm up. It was good though.. by the time I got to work I'd already been up for 3 hours and done my lifting... Could just sit around and eat all day. Train evenings now.
  16. Dry needling birds. Best shit for proper release in that area. I know a good physio in melb if you want to try. he's also built a twin charged rb25/30 and possibly a member of this forum.... Actually.. let me see if I can get him in here.
  17. Fire also helps getting old bushes out if doing it yourself
  18. Its a shame you and birds couldnt take an afternoon off from you know what and seen Markos at Frankston PTC.
  19. http://www.ptcperth.com.au Get the contact details and call up and speak to Dan or Paul. Tell them you want to be shown how to squat, bench and deadlift with correct form. they are open all week and Saturday's I think. Make a time to visit and get taught all 3. probably cost you $20 for the session. Most important thing you'll get out of it are cues. Things to remember when doing the movement. Eg squat: sit back knees out chest up Deads: shoulders back Back arched push the floor away. Also if you are doing something odd that you don't feel, they will see it and tell you so you know to fix it. You can watch all the vids you want but a simple coaching session will be 100 times more beneficial.
  20. Bought 10 tenths today. Hope it makes my stock motor run tens which I assume is what will happen just going by the name.
  21. Hope so mate. Good luck
  22. Leesh. Just visit ptc Perth. Once. it'll be worth it. Deadlift will be slightly different for everyone. Different length arms, legs etc etc.... YouTube - mark rippetoe deadlift He teaches it well.
  23. Sacrum strain or alignment issue maybe? vagina is usually on the front. Definitely see a physio to start with. leg movements hurt it? Like if you swing your leg back and forth or side to side? hurt to twist upper body?
  24. An R33 with 19 inch wheels off the road can only be a good thing
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