yeah. Chiros have their place even though physios don't think so.
it's an odd feeling when they adjust you and kind of scary.. but it does help. It's pretty temporary but after multiple visits, the adjustments they make seem smaller so it does help.
My spine is a little crooked, and my hips slightly tilted (right leg is 6mm shorter than left).
The chiro I went to was quite good. he was all about adjust, 10 minute walk, then ice it for 10 minutes 3 times a day and no load on it.. This was after my initial injury.
first week of the injury I saw him 3 times, 2nd - 4th week I saw him twice each week, 5th and 6th week I had single visits.
he'd find the spot, move you back, forward, side to side while feeling the spot to see if it moves properly or binds, and adjust (which is crack basically, beit via a twist or push), then walk, then ice.
6 weeks later I started doing squats and deads again as he suggested.
went back 2 times about 6 months later for adjustments and that was it.
There are different type of chiro practice too.. can't say what is better.
maybe research that if you want.