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Everything posted by TTT

  1. hmmm.. tell me more..
  2. I doubt it..
  3. Like "dude.. where's your car dude" !
  4. shouldn't you be banging your wife on a beach somewhere?
  5. I spin faster than journal bearing turbos.
  6. sweet. I've actually got popcorn too... hey maaa... get me my stupid internet rumour argument watching chair.
  7. It's the same in QLD guys.. I couldn't believe it when I went outside one morning to find that someone had stolen one of my "4 for $17" solar lamps from near the mailbox. I found it down the street in bits. It's a terrible world this.. f**k Sydney. there is nothing that makes it worth staying there. As if you would want to live in that sort of society. These things don't get better. they get worse. The way things are in sydney now is what you are going to be wishing it was like in 3-5 years time.
  8. You gotta think of the future.. a regular Pony will grow and not fit the skyline. And usually, they are too skinny to start with. you gotta get the best. example. Regular pony = ebay intercooler kit Shetland pony = ARC intercooler kit
  9. I'm here to help my friends..
  10. the stock turbo is Ball bearing. and therefore has a oil restrictor in the line (or on the banjo bolt or something - can't remember) if the turbo was hiflowed previously and a non ball bearing cartridge was used (very common) and the oil restrictor was not drilled out, then there wouldn't have been enough oil to the turbo. if it was a stock turbo and stock everything else, it might be a good idea to just go get another stocker turbo and stock oil lines from another engine. or if someone on here could tell you the size the restrictor should be, you could get new braided turbo oil line from someone like ENZED or PIRTEK who could put the right size restrictor on it.
  11. LOCK-TO-LOCK - speak to user CUBES. It can be "tuned" out that problem. he managed to sort it out on his PFC a while ago. there may be other ways around it. I can't quite remember how he did it now or what he had to change.
  12. you cut me deep nismo boy..
  13. LOL... Love sarcazm
  14. so 3 seconds would have caused catastrophic failure?
  15. I put alot of detailed posts on this thread in FFF long time ago which might be of some use to my fellow skyliners in their quest for DOSEage.. http://forums.fastfours.com.au/showthread....ighlight=pigeon TTT = me Enjoy friends..
  16. so floody - you got a pigeon pipe then? http://img430.imageshack.us/img430/7864/pigeon94az.jpg
  17. It can be organise with the cops to cover and damages that MAY happen. Or you could organise to have some phone book interview time yourself with them
  18. A call to the local police would probably be more useful. they'd have all reported thefts to match up with. or would be within their rights to pop the bonnet to get the chassis number, get it matched at QLD transport and call the owner. just my 2 Lira
  19. The one on Bruce hwy at FartinGary.. how the hell is that an area that needs speed check? how is it any different to the rest of the hwy heading in to the city? or North for that matter. it's all 3 lanes, it's all 100 speed limit. It's not near and exit or entry.. I don't see how it could in any way be considered an area which has high accident stats or anything to justify a camera of any sort to slow people down, anymore than the rest of the hwy. It doesn't make any difference to me as I don't use that part of the road unless I'm heading up the coast, nor do I have a speeding fine to my name ever, but it's just stupid that they can justify that as a hot spot or whatever you want to call it to justify using my tax money to take more of our money away from us.
  20. SAU NSW should seriously organise something with the Police in that region. NSW commitee should put a case together and demand to speak to someone high up in NSW police to organise a trap. park 10 or so skylines around the car parks of macquarie, under cover cops parked in random cars near the skylines, under covers at all entry and exits to the car parks. Catch these f*kers, do a phone book interview on them to find out who they are working for. cause none of these cars are being pinched for themselves.
  21. honks from skyliners made your wedding day perfect?
  22. I ran out of those you sonofabitch... sorry, sorry.. Mark - have a look in this here mirror... http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/St...32-t193777.html Be careful mate. Perhaps look at getting your name off your profile too.
  23. I'm in shock that you can actually BUY a brand new red top RB20. Was it through nissan???
  24. If he was having the same issue you described, it would already be idling like an EJ20 to start with
  25. ofcourse they do.. chicks to bovs is like dogs to meat. they come running and lick you all over just to get some.
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