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Everything posted by TTT

  1. can't believe the number of forums this has been posted on..
  2. on 5 psi what did you expect? post up your dyno sheet. lets see the a:f ratio.
  3. there you go. buy a 79 lancer.. problem solved.
  4. I moved the other way. sydney to brisbane. you'll want to move back to qld soon enough. believe me.. there is NO reason to want to move to sydney
  5. I'm confused as to how a drunk person smashed your car, refused to give details then left, leaving you to report it to the police away from the scene.
  6. a box mount hey?
  7. Have you tried a gay colour like PINK to match this gay thread? I joke I joke.. the problem is the price. skyline owners seem to think their car is worth more than what they are. the fact is, if you have a series one with original engine, turbo.. and have added the usual things to get 200rwkw, you'll be lucky to get $13K for a car with good body and interior. series 2 with the above would be lucky to get $16K these days series 1 with catback and pod filter with stock wheels and shit would be worth about $10K if it's auto, say hello to $8K-$10K now we'll see all the R33 owners get their feathers all ruffled up blah blah... that's just how it is these days. if you paid $18K for it a few years ago, you're going to lose money. if someone buys it now for $12K, in a few years time, they will sell it for about $10K
  8. *does happy dance*
  9. Have you thought about a life of crime?
  10. If looks is the most important to you, then just get a set of lowered KING springs. a quick wheel allignment after fitting. that will "look" the way you want it to. cost you about $350 all up
  11. Must remembr to F5 before posting.. anyway, if you can eat noodles for 3 months, sit at home inthe dark, don't use the phone or intraweb, then do that. My food is important to me and I'd sell the f*king thing.. but your choice. edit - there is nothing you can do to reduce fuel consumption with the $100 your nan gave you for being cool.
  12. come on.. the sillycoon is dry already. test it out.
  13. good work mate. How happy will you be when it's all working again.
  14. it won't happen mate. Just face facts that things are already tight and you'll have to let the skyline go. you can always get another in the future. No use strugling along. perhaps you could see if anyone wants to do a swap up to a skyline. you can have their whatever cheaper car plus cash and when you get more hours/better job or whatever, you can get another skyline.. Not worth the struggle in my opinion. especially if you have to have the RB putting along at 2000rpm to save fuel what's the use in having such a car?
  15. fill tank reset trip meter drive drive drive. fill tank check petrol pump to see how many litres you put in. check trip meter to see distance travelled. Litres pumped / km's travelled x 100 = Litres per 100km eg 40L pumped / 370km's travelled x 100 = 10.81L per 100kms no use saying I get 350km to a tank unless you filled up, reset trip meter, drove till you ran out of fuel and broke down on the side of the road and looked at trip meter and told us that number. that's what you get to a tank.
  16. if mummy and daddy were rich, there would be no can't afford fuel thread.
  17. I think it's 7700 redline, and 8000rpm rev limited. or it could be 7500 redline.. let's say 7500rpm to be safe.
  18. classic. how do you not afford fuel yet own a skyline? not many options.. bus, train, push bike... I gotta ask... if you don't have money for fuel, what do you eat everyday?
  19. as he said, stag driveline is based on the R33 attessa Stag weight is based on a biggest loser contestant.
  20. Slippery - your tag says GT-SS on board so you obviously know what they already look like anyway.. post a pics of yours..
  21. hmm.. works for me.. how about this then.
  22. real HKS gtss turbos. http://www.myselector.freeserve.co.uk/gtss.jpg http://www.myselector.freeserve.co.uk/gtss2.jpg
  23. should have kept the DR30 disco.. http://www.powerplayimports.com/repository..._DR30-Front.jpg teh sexy
  24. this is the first I've heard of an R32 gtst rb20 ecu being used in an R33 gtst rb25.
  25. don't worry about never been boosted. they've all been boosted. stock air box is a good item that's why there's no need to change it. GT-SS are good items too. If your mechanic says it's good, and you good compression test results and no major problems throughout the car, AND he accepts your offer, it sounds like a good buy. non performance related stuff you REALLY should make sure you get. 1.) Comprehensive insurance - if you can't afford this, then you can't afford the car. 2.) Good immobiliser (2 or 3 point is the standard that most insurance companies REQUIRE you to have) 3.) About $1000 spare as "just incase" money and for the first service you do where you should change all fluids (engine, radiator, diff, gearbox), all filters (air, oil, fuel), all belts (fan, timing, ac etc). If there is no receipt for the timing belt change and the car has over 100,000kms, just do it. Unless ofcourse you pull the cover off and see a Gates timing belt that looks newish.. You'd want to change the water pump and idler when doing the timing belt too. good luck on your new purchase.
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