2 challenges in one month.
Challenge the first..
Body weight on the bar, squat till you can squat no more.
high bar, low bar, whatever..
each squat must break parallel (which means your hip crease when you bend, must be below the top of your knee at the bottom of each rep)
if you want to go Ass to Grass then go for it.
Challenge the next
Body weight x 1.5 on the bar, everything else the same.
Video from side so people can see depth.
Don't hurt yourself
Don't dodge this challenge.. at least do one of them.
If you can't squat your own bodyweight on your shoulders... STOP EVERYTHING!!!!
Put down your iPhone
Put down your designer microfibre towel
Walk over to the squat racks and squat the bar many time.
Add 5kg each side. place bar on upper back and squat many times
Continue doing this until you need to lie down for a while.
then lie down
then get up
then do 4 more sets.
Pick up your iPhone, micro fibre towel, your bottles of pre and intra workout drinks, full up your post work out drink bottle and drink it.
get home and eat many many animals and stuff animals eat.
go back in 2 days time and do it again.
repeat for 3 months.