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Everything posted by TTT

  1. damn nation..!!! I'll have to check..
  2. NewKleer.. did you say this "DOESN'T" work on 89 rb20's?
  3. PM me the post you put up for sale and I'll post it for you as me with your contacts. problem solved.
  4. yeh I know of impakts ones. but as stated... too bulky for my liking. and I also can't be bothered (read: wouldn't know how to) DIY one of your kits. So I'm taking the lazy arse way and will buy one ready to plug in when you have it ready for shipping.
  5. so stupid.. just came across this thread.. http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/in...pic=72923&st=20 anyway, I now have another question regarding Michelins.. Pilot Sport http://www.michelin.com.au/tyres/passengerCar_pilotSport.asp or Pilot Preceda http://www.michelin.com.au/tyres/passenger...ilotPreceda.asp I'd like the sport ones but it doesn't seem to come in 16's..
  6. I'm just posting so that I get email reminders as this gets updated. I want one..
  7. I have a spare set of rims that have good tyres but they came off a RWD. the fronts are 205's and the rears are 225's. So I figure I'll go out and buy a pair of 205 or 225 to make them the same to use on my car. the tyres on there are Yokohama A539. I'm just wondering what would be the best non semi slick tyre to go on an Attessa equipt car in a 205 or 225 size. the rims are 16x7's. Prices and locations in sydney would be good too. current wheels on car have 225's in Dunlop SP9000. good choice B-man.
  8. I'm booked in for Sat 28th at 8am. I'll post pics here for those interested in 35% (or whatever the legal limit is.)
  9. can some host the vid somewhere else? work blocks google video's.. and I wanna see it damn it
  10. well maybe I shoul dhave clicked the link and read that first hey stupid. back when I bought it it didn't have the "SMART" functionality. this version may be a good buy. But I still need my protein. my $28 goes on steak.
  11. that's how the R32 hicas is anyway. R33 is not hydrolic and doesn't use the power steering fluid. that's why I just said it means there is a problem cause he did not mention what car it was on. TT
  12. well think about it. in a good tune, youd want your car to be at about 11.5 or 12:1 on full throttle. and if it got to like 12.5:1 or 13:1 which is lean on full throttle, you'd want to be warned so you can back off right? so you would tune it to show rich at anything bellow 11:1 and lean at anything above 12.5:1 but like I said before, at idle and cruise revs where you are in closed loop, below 4000rpm or whatever it is, the mixture is ALWAYS going to be over 14:1. so it will be lit up like a xmas tree to show lean and buzzing it's arse off. now... about this steak we discussed.
  13. unless you have a wideband 02 sensor, it's pretty useless. anywhere below 4000rpm when in closed loop, it will beep constantly as it is always lean (at around 14:1 or something) I bought one, built it and never installed it due to this reason. I then gave it to a friend at work. that $28 would buy a decent steak somewhere..
  14. sorry for the double reply. but this line from your add. is that a typo? is it meant to be R32? if it is supposed to be an R32 (since all the other parts seem to be), then I will buy the 3 air con vents from you.. let me know please.
  15. rb25de from an R32 would be NON VCT.. so perfect for a RB30 det build up for R32 owners.
  16. who hiflowed the turbo? and what is it rated for and at what psi? any specs on the wheels used in the turbo? still Ball Bearing?
  17. I drilled my R32 one out. veeeeeeeeeeeery close to the edges.
  18. I've noticed that at idle, I will occasionally hear a "tick" from the back passenger side area and the idle will slightly drop, then it will "tick" again and the idle will come back up. it is only a drop of about 100rpm I guess, but it's definitely there. when the air con is on, it is slightly more noticeable. Now I'm just wondering if this is a relay for something. is it to the fuel pump? or is it the fuel pump itself? cheers peeps
  19. you're a f*king idiot. you are onw of those idiot racer/dragger wanna bees by saying that you want to put them in their place. I'm sick of being politically correct. you are a young kid. you have no driving experience. you even said yourself that your parents don't want you to get a powerful car cause they have been in the car with you when you speed. isn't it obvious to you that you are reckless? and then you say you speed when it's safe, at like midnight on hume hwy. I can't get over how f*king stupid this remark is. You know what you are.. a waste of oxygen. I don't care if you are young and dum and full of cum. people always go "oh kids will be kids" bull shit. you need a f*king beating to bash some sense in to you. 1.) your parents know better than you and you should respect them you spoilt little shit 2.) you have a stupid attitude and you "THINK" you know, but you don't know shit. 3.) you have next to no driving experience and yet you say "I know when it's safe to speed" . do you think those "there's no such thing as safe speeding" ads are there for people apart from you? it's for people just like you. it's sad to say that it doesn't make any difference what car you get cause you will do stupid shit in any car. skyline for a first car. what a f*king joke. you're just another front cut waiting to happen. <_<
  20. doh.. in sydney.. updated original post.
  21. Anyone on here recently get a RS Four stagea in the last few months? in northern suburbs of sydney. I think they also own a silver/grey (2 tone) r33 gtst I see it daily as I go to work and back. and I've seen the little transofrmation it's taken from bland quirky station wagon to a beautiful beast. Looks lovely jubbly.
  22. you may just want to include wether this is an RB25de from an R32 or R33. r33 ones have VVT and ot suitable for R32 owners... good luck
  23. as said... it doesn't flutter. it brings boost on earlier. and holds maybe half a psi more boost.
  24. yeh... no torque or power but still fun to drive for some reason.
  25. another vote for R31. or like I tell every other younger person saying what non turbo car should I get. COROLLA twin cam
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