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Everything posted by TTT

  1. the only time I got down there, it was a good day. Greg (not old man but the other one... Sellby I think it is (the suspension dude)) was there and he helped out a few of us first timers. anyway, after a few soggy laps in my S14 with S15 stock suspension, I parked it and went for a drive with Dale. after seeing/feeling the way his car taking the corners with the teins and DJ01's, I didn't take my car back out.. I was quite scared being in his car and the corner speed and late braking that he could do. Brenton was there and he put on a set of yokahama slicks. hahahaha I had asked him to take me for a spin in his at lunch, but after experiencing what Dales car co do with less power (he had his boost controller down to 11psi) and with just semi slicks, I chickened out of a ride with brenton.. hahahahaha
  2. ^^^ and that is the techincal version with numbers and so forth..
  3. I think Sydney Kid has said this many times. The air that goes from the cooler to the inlet manifold passes through that pipe at such speed that it doesn't have time to pick up heat from the pipe. He has tested this with many temp probes I believe. I think he said at one point they had 3 temp probes. 1 in the intercooler pipe just outside the turbo, one after the intercooler and one before the throttle. I think the temp increase from the cooler outlet and the throttle body was tiny. I'd save my money or spend it on something else..
  4. why did you pay the tuner for a tune that wasn't good? take it back to him.
  5. bah... your car is also a track car rather than a strip car. otherwise it would be "350 strip" rather than track. I'm sure you had more fun at wakefield than WSID anyway. yeh I forgot he had his Tein's in.. I wanted to go again but mine got stolen so no go. anyway..
  6. it's even easier. on the rb20 there is no controller. a hose goes from the wastegate to the turbo compressor cover. it is a small hose that curves over from one to the other. you just need to plumb it in there.
  7. I'm sure that there are more advantages to having a ball bearing turbo than just the fact that it can bring on boost faster than non ball bearing when in high revs.
  8. yah fair enough.. I'm just being sour cause I'm still at work.. sorry fella
  9. as I said, an S15 turbo will be a downgrade if put in place of an RB25 turbo on an RB25. ok I am over myself. do you think that you can now stop posting incorrect facts? across many threads?
  10. As usual, I'll correct you. R32 - R34 GTST/GTT all have Ceramic exhaust wheels. R33 series II and R34 GTT have a form of plastic Compressor wheel (the wheel on the front on the air filter side of the turbo) I believe the R32 GTR also has ceramic exhaust wheel. not sure about R33 GTR. that is why people tend to upgrade to N1 turbo's which are steel wheel. R32 GTST - R34 GTT (all single turbo skylines) all have Ball Bearing turbo's. Whitenight - no.. it does not mean you can get 225rwkw out of a T28 from an S15 when on a skyline. The S15 turbo will be a downgrade to the RB25 stock turbo. it is smaller and will flow less. it is also a different bolt pattern which would require more mods to fit. S15 turbo's are good upgrades for CA18's or SR20's from the S13 range. and usually also go good for those that Turgo charge their 4agze which is the 1.6L supercharged toyota engine.
  11. Scathing - yeh that would be Brentons right? I think he had in the region of 225 rwkw with a lot of other mods apart from the turbo. the original question was using "highish boost" which doesn't mean much really. So to "me", the stock setup runing 7psi of boost, "highish" would be double and a little more.. so I'd say that 17psi is highish for a stock turbo. The example I gave of my mate that ran the 12.9 was using 17.5 psi boost on his stock S15 turbo. Scathing, if you are the same scathing on other forums, then you'll know Dale. and I think that night you were hitting 14 flat in the tree fiddy... if that is you.. his other mods at the time were. stock dump, then 3 inch back. hyperflow intercooler with silicon hosing. AVCR GFB hybrid bov 17x7.5 rims with Dunlop DJ-01's Power FC stock clutch stock pump stock injectors stock fuel pressure. stock turbo... etc I don't think the difference between the BB and non BB is not so much power but the driveability. I would "ASSUME" that the BB turbo would build boost at a faster rate. I guess they have other bonuses like higher tolerances to extra boost maybe but I can't say from experience.
  12. first of all - which 200sx you talking about? those mods on an S14 or S14A will get about 180rwkw. same mods on the S15's tend to get closer to 190rwkw. my series 1 S14 with 1 bar boost, fmic, SAFC pulled 175rwkw. ran a lazy 13.8 with heavy 17 inch wheels. A mate with an S15 and 193rwkw using PFC and 17 psi ran 12.9 on the same night. on the topic of BB turbo's and shit. it doesn't mean anything for it to be AUS or JAP spec. some had Ball Bearing and some didn't. only way to tell is from the GARRETT part numbers on the stamp which is on a plate on the turbo between the front and rear wheels. 466541 = ball bearing 466543 = bush bearing the second part of the numbers mean -001 = S14 turbo (no splitter between wastegate and turbine exit) -002 = S15 turbo (splitter between wastegate and turbine exit)
  13. was the RB25 DET gearbox put in as well? was the Turbo version BRAKES put on your car too? what about the hubs? 4 or 5 stud?
  14. your power fc will run it. you will need to take the knock sensors off the current bottom end and stick them in the Rb30 botom end. is this in an R32 or R33?
  15. Good luck with the sale mate. I would say that this is definitely the Bargain of the month. I would also like to see where there are $11K R33's...
  16. with a name like sikerim he probably only came on to cause trouble. sikerim = "I will *** you" in The land of goat sphincter rings
  17. sorry to hear it man.. maybe post some pics of the damage up and if possible, a repair quote. then people can offer accordingly. is it still driveable? is it registered and if so, for how long? and how did it get stolen with the alarm with pager you have? cheers
  18. sorry.. my e-wang is too large to get in one pic.. it requires a panaramic lens taken from across the room.. too much hasle.. then I'd have to unwrap it from my e-leg etc... just not worth it.. just take my word for it.. :uh-huh:
  19. oooo... so close.. almost had the right answer there.. the "CORRECT" answer to all power questions is... RB30DET
  20. it's been said many times that the R33 GTR intercooler has reliably had 300rwkw through it. under race conditions. R32 GTR cooler is supposed to be a little less. are you anywhere near 250rwkw yet? if not, save your money. if so, then there are many direct replacement intercoolers or kits with new piping.
  21. Dush - your wang is big, don't get me wrong.. but my wang is bigger. Ben - what do you consider low rpm? If both cars red line at 7000rpm then mid rev range is 3500rpm. so I assume by low rpm, you are talking about 2000rpm. then YES. The 2.5L with 9:1 compression and relatively small ball bearing turbo charger has more get up and go when compared to the 2L in the wrx. but this thread is not about which car gets to 3000rpm quicker. it is which car is faster in a race. most legal races start from a standing start, and end 402m later. will the more torque at 2000rpm help you there? or are you a Great Western Raceway kinda guy?
  22. well without knowing your tehnical abilities, I'll only comment that the boost controller you are using is brokend. have you thought about the turbo tech ones? there is one on the silvia NSW going for $25 or new for $35 I think.. see the thread in this section
  23. AFM dirty/faulty. spark plugs need replacing. coil pack or packs faulty. try checking out those 3 first.
  24. *points at DUSH* Look everyone.... a skyline owner who has been beaten by many a wrx.. :uh-huh: :uh-huh: :uh-huh:
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