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Everything posted by TTT

  1. anyone still want this game for $50?
  2. Game is still for sale. $50. if you want it let me know and I'll contact you. TT Oh.. I do NOT want hitman 2. I'll sell this, put money on top and get "the getaway" like I wanted. thanks.
  3. hi.. I'll follow up on hitman.. As for my game, someone has already jumped at the price of $50 and should be picking it up this weekend. I'm not going to go less than $50 even if he doesn't get it this weekend. thanks. If I like Hitman, how much do you want for it?
  4. last one
  5. and
  6. subs = 2 x 12 inch SOny XS 300's yes I have pics.. I'll post below..
  7. the air con idea... you will be losing more power than gaining sue to the running of the air con compressor. I'll give you an update on my situation at the moment. I have a pod filter which was exposed to the engine bay heat. I bought a temp gauge with a probe and I squeezed the probe in between one of the fins of my K&N pod filter. driving along at 80kmh on a night which was 17 degrees (according to my AMBIENT temp button on the R32 GTST) and the temp gauge for the pod filter said that it was 38 degrees. This was on a drive on my way to pick up my partition from another skyline owner. the partition I bought looks dodgey and doesn't completely block off every gap between the engine and pod filter but it does block off most. It is made of some sort of heavy duty foam type material and the outside of it (the side facing the engine) is a heat proof silver material. So on the drive back while traveling 80kmh after squeezing the partition in, the outside temp said 17.5 degrees, and the pod filter temp read 19.3 degrees. I use to have a cold air pipe from the front bar to underneath the pod but I have recently gone back to a side mount cooler so the induction pipe is gone, but the hole under the pod is still there and so is the standard hole under the head light where the standard box get's its cold air. So in the next week or so, I plan to make sure that all the gaps between the engine and filter are closed off.. I hope this has helped some of you decide if a partition/box is needed. if you would like any more info, then please let me know. TT
  8. swap 2 x 12 Sony's in custom box for the single sub in box you have?
  9. I have one game for sale/swap.. The game is Grant Theft Auto III (Vice City). for sale for $50 or swap for another game called "The GETAWAY" Sydney only.
  10. you might also want to check Japanese Motor Sports in Adelaide.. I think this is the website..maybe... http://www.japanesemotorsport.com.au/partsinstock.htm I believe they have dump and front pipes to suit.. On a side note.. I think that the DUMP/FRONT pipes are the same for R32 and R33 GTST's..
  11. were they on your car or on a friends car? do you know how firm the ride is with that setup?
  12. "GAB shocks rears are adj damper all with am springs $400 teh set" Just to confirm. this is 4 shocks and springs? also, roughly how long were they on the car? x years? x kms? and how much lower than standard? thank you.
  13. LOL @ Gester.. the think plate thing is sort of like a washer for a bolt or a gasket.. how ever you want to look at it.. you should find it and use it.. it's weird that people have had different experiences.
  14. hmm.. oh well. it's worked on mine and a couple of mates one.. so maybe you're special.. hahaha
  15. that is definitely weird.. my one worked just fine and still is.. so you did exactly as the pics above?
  16. it doesn't get rid of the sound. it just doesn't circulate the air unless you are like 10 in to the vacuum side of the boost guage.. normally, it will circulate the air at even just above 0.. this is all according to my boost gauge.. plus the spool up of the turbo is much quicker. You will still hear the swoosh sound between gears and it will still re-circulate the air.. as it should.. but it just makes the car nicer to drive. as for why the hole is there in the first place? I'm not sure.. probably so that the bov doesn't have to open to circulate the air at normal cruise speeds/boost levels.
  17. here is a free mod that you can do to your standard skyline bov which will improve your throttle response.. if it has been posted before, then too bad.. I have found a mod that can be done to the standard skyline bovs to make the car a little more responsive without any side effects. What you will feel is that the boost will come on quicker and the bov will not release till a little later. meaning that you won't have that constant re-circulating sound you get with the standard bov.. (this sound is heard more if you have a pod filter..) here is what you do.. take the standard bov off. look at the bottom of it.. you will see the piston on the hole, then a small hole next to it. you will need to find a small screw that will fit the hole. the screw needs to have a FLAT head so that it doesn't protrude too much above the bov plate. What I did was found a flat screw which fit in the hole easy, then I wrapped it in that plumbers tape (the white stuff) until it was fat enough that it had to be screwed in. once in, I used some super glue on top to make sure that it is completely on there.. let it dry, put the bov back on and go for a spin.. You should be able to feel the difference.. no more KW's but I think that it comes on boost a lot quicker and doesn't release so early like a standard one does. if you have any questions or want help doing it, then let me know. the pics below are not mine but it shows what I am talking about..
  18. Selling for a friend. Both items are new. Location is SYDNEY. Bov = GFB Hybrid... Blue in colour. Pic... Retail it cost $329 he is asking $200 Boost controller = MRT Turbo Management System 3 (TMS3) details are HERE These retail for about $900 asking $600 These prices are a bargain. NOT NEGOTIABLE. SYDNEY BUYERS ONLY
  19. no.. if you have a pod filter, you will hear a slight whooshing sound between gear changes but no ptshhhh like normal.. if you have a standard air box, then you will probably hear nothing..
  20. not all bovs can be made plumb back.. like the turbosmart type 2 or any others where the air gets released through a series of holes.. you'd need a bov that releases from a single area that you can put a hose over and connect back to the inlet.
  21. on my old liberty RS, I used to get a little bit of oil comming out of my atmo bov.. can anyone tell me why this was?
  22. I think that that is a standard price for a stainless dual dump pipe dude.. good luck getting one cheaper.
  23. try http://www.japanesemotorsport.com.au/ go to parts for sale. on the first page they have dump pipes and front pipes.. they are in adelaide but will deliver..
  24. dude.. what happened? if you are still in sydney please give us a call.. you have my number..
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