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Everything posted by TTT

  1. No bovs can't make that sound.. it doesn't matter where it is placed.. that fluttering sound CAN NOT come out of the opening of a bov. The bov can only make one sound... a single release of air in one hit.. it can't open and close to make different fluttering sounds. If you have your bov mid way along your pipes, and you are hearing a fluttering sound, it is not coming out of the bov.. it just means that there isn't enough pressure to open the bov. If you want a fluttering sound, remove your bov and block off the holes... if you want a bov noise, fit one and adjust it so that the piston is JUST closed at idle and it will psshht every gear change.. It's not that hard. There is no other way to get a fluttering sound from your TURBO car.
  2. Roy... Those sieras of the 80's didn't run any BOVs.. Did you ever hear a psshht once from them? NO. they were constantly fluttering when off boost. And I am pretty sure that you will find the Supra in the BM DVD doesn't run a bov either. If you want the fluttering noise, remove the bov and get a steel plate cut to cover the hole where the bov was..
  3. cough... about those turbos?
  4. I drive away straight away. But I will stay off boost and below 3000rpm until the engine temp is at half way where it stays... Usually takes about 3 - 5 minutes.
  5. I'm after a turbo off an RB25DET (R33 GTST) or off an RB25DET - NEO (R34 GTT) Please let me know what you can do..
  6. Roy are you actually talking about the fluttering noise? sort of like a ssstt tt tt tt tt tt.. If so, then it is either that the BOV staying shut or it doesn't have a BOV at all. The Blitz bovs all make a psshhh sound of some sort. From what I can remember, that supra made a huge fluttering sound.. which would mean that he was NOT runing a bov at all or had the spring on too tight and it wasn't opening to make a noise..
  7. ok.. let me try a different approach.. try these.. 1 2 3 Can you download them by right click and save?
  8. Roy... Please tell me if this is the sound you are refering to... there are a couple of small files.. just download and listen.. Sounds From what I can remember... the sound from that supra was similar to this..
  9. TTT

    good club

    Damo.. I guess you will be upstairs then.. hahahahaha
  10. Thanks mines.. I'll keep that in mind.. I've seen R33 turbos go for less so I'll wait it out a little longer. I've also seen R34 turbos go for a little more than that and they are a lot newer.. But if I get desperate, then I'll let you know.
  11. I am after a turbo. From either an R33 GTST or R34 GTT I am willing to pay up to $500 fora R34 one and maybe up to $400 for an R33 one. Dollars depends on condition and kms and so on. Must be from SYDNEY as I want to see it before handing over any money. I would also like to know what model car it came off and how many kms the car had travelled before it was taken off. Thank you.
  12. I am going for the EL Cheapo Turbo XS one. Aparently it is about $135 and is the best of the Bleed type ones with very little spikes. Everyone that I have spoken to that has had a turbo smart one and the turbo xs one say that it is a total different experience with the turbo xs valve...
  13. AUTO ONE has them. But they sell them as a pack of 2 and it comes as a whole unit.. not just the cover.. it's about $40.
  14. go to performance forums and do a search. Someone is selling their R32 4 door.
  15. I've been in an S3.. The owner had done a chip mod (from the TT roadster) and a pod filter.. I have to say.. there was 4 of us in the car and this thing was pretty damn quick. It was very VERY responsive as well. I belive that with the chip, the power goes up to about 180kw or something like that.. and the torque gets a good whack as well. Apparently they run TWIN air to air intercoolers.. Weird..
  16. You have nothing to lose by trying to clean it. Just take it off, spray either carby cleaner or pod filter cleaner and then wash it off. let it DRY COMPLETELY. put it back on and go for a drive. But from what you are describing, it sounds like it has an electrical issue which might require you to replace it. Probably set you back about $150 - $200
  17. anyone else go these rims??
  18. I just rang Australias Best (in sydney) cause they Have the RP02 on their web site which is almost identical, and they are charging about $450 per rim (brand new) And depending on what tyres you get with it, they reduce the rim price. So there you go. that is the price for 17 x 8 Enkie RP02 (BRAND NEW)
  19. CHITOSE muffler. It is in perfect condition. Stainless steel and the tip is a slight GOLD colour.. looks great. 2.5 inch throughout. 2.5 inch inlet and 2.5 inch outlet. IT IS NOT a cannon type but it is almost straight through as you can see in one of the pics..need to see pics.. Pics can be found HERE Located in Sydney. $150 neg. I bought this as it is under the impression that it was 3 inch (didn't measure it... stupid) So I am selling it. Apparently it came off a Lancer GSR. Might be of use to someone with a NON turbo Skyline or anyone who wants something smaller than 3 Inch system.. who knows??
  20. I don't know dude. Some guy on performance forums is selling his for $130 each rim. they are not new and they are 4 stud so they are no good tome. I'm not looking for new ones.. Just want them to fit my car. Just sell me yours.. you know you want to.. hehehehehe
  21. ball bearings or not? exhaust wheel = ceramic or steel? What car is it originally off? R33 or R32 GTST? Thanks.
  22. Enkie RP01's Can anyone get them for me? They are for the R32 GTST needs to be 5 x 114.3 stud pattern. I need them to be 17 x 7 or 8 thank you. oh.. I am in sydney..
  23. Saw this on Fast Fours Forum. Apparently it is a test car that the US got. Once they finish their tests, it is apparently cheaper to kill it than it is to send back to Japan.. Also, you can see in the first pic when it is on the back of the truck that it is already damaged as part of there final test (collision)...
  24. yes it is due to running rich. Skylines run rich as standard and when you add a external venting bov and more boost, you run even richer. and of course you're going to get back fires and poping and so on. Every skyline does it.
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