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Everything posted by TTT

  1. ok, no problem.
  2. I have a clarion tape deck and 6 cd stacker and all wirring.. offer me over $300 and it's yours. Model number... deck ARX 4670 Stacker CDC 635 here are some pics.. Let me know if you are interested.
  3. Autometer Tacho. 8000rpm red line. A pillar mountable. Same size as my autometer boost guage. 2.5 inch in size. Black face. Black cup. Located in sydney. Offers over $100. Pics below....
  4. Thank you Captian Obvious...
  5. Excellent. Will those speakers bolt straight in to the existing slots? like will the screws line up with the existing holes and so on?
  6. what brand is the core? how thick is it? what size is that piping? What are the dimensions of the core (not including end tanks)? Thank you.
  7. I would like to replace the standard items in my R32. Can anyone tell me what size the speakers are. The ones in the door are tiny (even though the cover is huge) and what about the back ones? what size are they? has anyone upgraded them without cutting things? And is that a sub of some sort on the bottom of the parcel tray? Like a small box.. doesn't look like a speaker.. but it says panasonic on it. any help would be greatly appricated.
  8. No sorry. The ones I have are R33 GTST ones.
  9. I've got a set of 6 stock R33 injectors and fuel rail if you wanty them. make an offer.
  10. You're from Austin Texas, and you are asking for intercooler cores from here? or am I missing something..
  11. Look at it this way.. Summer is on the way. AUS temps go pretty high in summer. Just yesterday it was like 30 degrees and it's only going to get higher. The standard cooler in winter is probably good to work efficiently at 12psi or less. in summer, that standard cooler isn't going to do shit. Get a good front mount and you will see an immediate improvement over the stock item. If you have spent the money on getting a steel wheel on your turbo, then at the moment you won't be able to use that power until you change your standard pissy cooler. You know the drill... exhaust, filter, cooler, boost. don't worry about water/metho injection or whatever... do the basics first. Keep an eye out on the forums for intercoolers that come up for sale.
  12. What's the word I'm looking for here.. ummm .. oh yeh.. FUGLEY
  13. ????? What the hell happened to the rest of this thread? there was like 2 pages worth and updates yesterday.. now it shows the last entry before this one as being on 26/09/02 ????
  14. Isn't that going to make the back pistons f**K up cause they won't get as much air? The standard one is there cause it is in the middle and distributes the air evenly. You're choice though.. However, I don't think that it's as easy as blocking the original hole and drilling a new one at the front. I think that this is going to end up in tears.
  15. Bump.. I'll take an offer over $300 for the lot. anyone?
  16. how old are the shocks and springs? How many km's has the car done with them on?
  17. when you say adjustable.. Do you mean height adjustable or hard/soft adjustable?
  18. Roy... Can you give me a price on.... Front bar (the GTR replica for the R32 GTST) Intercooler. If you can give me a good price I might be able to get the money together.. If I buy both, will you give me a better price? I'm also in sydney (ashfield area) thanks I tried to send this to you in a PM but it says that your pm box is full. time for a clean up buddy.
  19. I have the following for sale. I have pics for sale of all of them so if you want a pic emailed to you, please provide your email address. All prices are negotiable but some less than others.. I mean the prices listed here are pretty cheap. If you can get these things for cheaper, then do so, but please don't bother posting here saying so.. I don't care. And if you want to make an offer, then don't say something like $2 or something just as offensive.. thanks and here we go.. Liberty RS Turbo Stock BOV $30 Mazda MX6 Turbo Stock BOV and adaptor pipe $30 BOSCH BOV $30 R32/33 GTST Stock BOV $30 R33 GTST parts.. intercooler pipes.. most of them $depends on which part you want. Injectors and fuel rail (stock) $200 for the lot (this is very cheap) if you need the specs on the injectors.. just ask. Air box with filter (stock) $60 induction pipe (from turbo to air filter) $20 R32 GTST parts.. Stock intercooler $70 Stock Spot lights $60 Front lower spoiler motors $60 You can contact me on here, via PM or via [email protected] I am located in sydney
  20. It's definitly coming from the back. even if I am going down a hill at about 80-90kms, and I take it out of gear an cruise down in nuetral, it still makes the sound.. the sound varies with speed..
  21. Car - R32 GTST Age - 25 Location - Sydney. Rego - $245 (or what ever it is these days) Compulsory green slip - $530 (roughly - from NRMA) pink slip - $25 Third party property insurance - $550 - Just cars and I was wondering why I couldn't afford that 3 inch exhaust yet..
  22. Hi. On my car R32 GTST, when I get to about 80kmh, I hear a slight humming sound.. But it is not a constant single hum.. more like a wawawawawa.. (that's as good as I can type the sound..) Can anyone tell me why it would do this? It doesn't rattle, it is STILL LSD and not broken or anything.. No oil leaks.. Could it just be over abused from the previous owner or something?
  23. MRTRBO They are adjustable but not to make different noise. the noise will be the same, just louder or quieter.. it is only adjustable so that the piston stays closed during idle and doesn't make the car stall. Just one more reply to your signature.... Baska buyuk yok!!!
  24. And that's in Japan.. So finding one in Aus let alone a good one, is next to impossible. As for GTST's there are always some for sale.. I've seen them as low as $13K (stock and pretty average) Up to as high as (I personally think too much) $22K for one that has the GTR body bits and good engine mods and looks and so on.
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