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Everything posted by TTT

  1. eat more.. burn it off after desert ifyanowatimsayin
  2. No. Be careful lifting heavy mate. You are supposed to hold your breath in during the lift. depends on what you aer doing I guess. I see what you did there.
  3. ummm have you been given the go ahead with lifting from the docs? How does holding your breath and straining effect it?
  4. shut up man.. I'm about to make a sale.
  5. DBOL is made from peanut you noob. Why do you think we always say to eat Natural Peanut Butter when trying to bulk.
  6. lol... what did the loan cost him? good squats nick.
  7. you also didn't pick up your company slogan in my post.
  8. wtf?
  9. *Too
  10. fair enough.. I mean, why wouldn't you choose what's better hey?
  11. well... both in a way. in powerlifting, the aim is to lift the most weight. so you do whatever you can with in the rules to get in to a position to lift the most weight. eg. Using a close grip bench with your elbows flared, back flat, lowering the bar to the middle of your chest will probably built a bigger chest. But using a wider grip, bringing the elbows in, arching your back, and pumping your chest up and lowering the bar to your lower chest (which will be the highest point when your back is arched) will probably allow you to lift 1.5 times more weight due to recruiting the triceps and delts more, your lats some, and with the hands wider and chest up, the range of motion is also shorter. having said that, lifting heaver weights leads to more strength and size. In powerlifting, as I said, the aim is to lift the most weight.. so powerlifters do it to lift more weight rather than to become chesty brahs. you'll see it in squats and deadlifts too. squatting with a wider stance gives you more power once you get used to it. squatting with a narrow stance means the range of motion required to get your hips below parallel is longer and doesn't use the hamstrings much. bet you get massive quads. wide squatters get to use quads, hips and hamstrings. end up lifting more weight. Deadlift - some lift conventional (feet close and hands outside of feet), some lift sumo (feet wide out and hands inside right to the edge of the knurling) reduces the range of motion, but need different muscles used.
  12. but you could have been rich and famous by now.
  13. Yes Martins.. I'll see if Markos wants to tell yesterdays story about Martin here.. lol The idea is to get your shoulder blades in and down. this pops your chest/rib cage out and up. then pushing with your legs pushes you up on to your lower traps area. This means that your shoulders/scapulas are in there saefst and most powerful state. Your spine isn't loaded.
  14. hmmmm.. hot legs indeed
  15. Hey Manuel... How's the PT life going?
  16. Of course he she does. But I'm asleep remember.. edit.. she.. SHE!!!
  17. Arnie by tomorrow is my guess.
  18. going slow is for wimps.. I like to go fast and finish quick in everything I do Then sleep.
  19. I find I start to swing a little if I don't pause down the bottom every few reps.
  20. This isn't equipped lifting mate. That arm strap is not within IPF code so you are disqualified. We will be looking to strip you of your past victories due to the use of performance enhancing wraps and helium filled backpack.
  21. it is based around a 3 month (roughly) timeline. it is based on a 1rm.. as you would in competition. so if you can bench press 100 for 1rm, but can't do 120, you would do the 120kg bench program. it goes for 11 weeks. It has a range of reps and sets and weight to use. and it all leads up to week 11 where you test your new 1rm (120kg in this case) If you don't want to do the 1rm, thats up to you, but if you don't know what your 1rm is, then it's hard to guess what weight program you should use. Should give 1rms a try to at least know and have a base.
  22. Bloody Markos and his fancy creatine water down there.
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