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Everything posted by TTT

  1. The guys from PTC Brisbane are planning on doing one deadlift session at a franchise gym on international Chest night (Monday). There will be 6 guys who are planning on doing their final strength test a week or so before the comp. They have all pulled over 300kg during their last comp. Will wait for vids. Should be a good laugh.
  2. Lol. Pic reminds me of the Paul Anderson story
  3. figjam did 5x5.. did not get results... program must be shit
  4. A mate is after a set. post what you have with your price and contact details and I'll pass them on. Melbourne based would be great. Cheers
  5. finally... Dan understands..
  6. what? you think that chick got like that by being a vegetarian? you can't get the nutrients and protein you need to build muscle (especially as a female) if you don't eat meat. Doesn't matter what routine you do. sorry but it's the truth. I'm not even going to go in to being given a westside style template...
  7. I bet that chick isn't a vegetarian. right?
  8. definitely not as cheaply.
  9. yeh I sold the white one about 10 months ago I think.
  10. all fingers under is fine if you can. but it requires more wrist flexibility. the first 2 fingers makes it easier, They are not there to hold the bar really.. just to anchor your hands somewhere so you can push the elbows UP. and yes.. right up in to your throat. I get my fingers where I want them, then the feet under, then swing one arm under, then the other as I put my head right back so the bar is right up against the part of my throat and clavicle meet.. then bring my head down. as you stand up and have elbows up, the bar ends up sitting on your front delts rather than the clavicle. then it's a big breath in, chest/elbows up, back arched, and squat down between the heels. This shows where I mean by on the throat/clavicle.. ignore that his hands are not on the bar. and what I mean by 2 fingers..
  11. Is the barbell sitting right up against your throat? do you have all your fingers under the bar? I generally just use index and middle finger under.
  12. sounds very broke back mountain. which part is difficult boz? Elbows up? thoracic extension of the upper back? shoulders not able to come forward enough? video it
  13. Yep. if you head in to PTC there, they will have a variety of wraps in there. Max could show you how to wrap as well. or there are youtube videos on how to.. there are plenty of different ways but some work better than others. Start with an intermediate type of wrap. shit is painful. Last time I had someone wrap me I had visible marks and bruises on my legs 6 weeks later.
  14. yeah calves you either have or you don't.. bar won't fall cross armed.. at worst, it will slip forward and land in your arms (elbow joint) Boz - start stretching your wrists.. Thusly...
  15. Man I can't believe I've had so many cars come and go since my first silver R32 and you still have yours.... 10 to be exact.
  16. try all 3 types of grips Boz. arms crossed clean grip with straps if you lack mobility - http://www.t-nation.com/training/how-to-front-squat-with-straps
  17. Inzer probably. https://www.google.com.au/search?q=inzer+knee+wraps&safe=active&espv=210&es_sm=93&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=_q8fU97qF8rhkAWhgYHwAw&ved=0CAkQ_AUoAQ&biw=1680&bih=965
  18. PTC clients frequently do barbell hip thrusts as assistance. youtube that one.
  19. If he was genuinely interested in the exercise he would have asked the guy... when he got out of the zone... not record him and share it on his own facebook with a sarcastic title. It's a shit exercise. no way could the pinloaded cable thing have more weights than a barbell could hold and do the same exercise while standing. If you think it's ok to record people in the gym, you've got other problems. How would you have reacted if someone recorded LEESH using the adductor machine while wearing short shorts and posted it here with "LOL, chicks still using this machine in 2014"
  20. speaking of wheelchairs...
  21. don't worry man.. you'll be in a wheelchair due to deadlift technique long before death and won't need to have high protein intake anyway.
  22. I'd rather live strong than die 10 years later than I was supposed to while being a vego fag. Hi Leesh!
  23. Mate these might be sold but gives you an idea for some ducting.. http://mx5cartalk.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=44&t=62224&p=780419&hilit=NB+window#p780419 or http://www.coolbreezescoop.com/servlet/StoreFront not sure if the scoop works with hard top.
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