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Everything posted by TTT

  1. or.. go to a different gym
  2. jab jab jab, hook, oblique pose, upper cut, ab front pose, jab, cross, hook
  3. yeah 82.5kg is looking unlikely for me too. we'll stick to the 90s I think. I'm about 86-87kg at the moment too. If I'm in the right light, and in the right angle, and still wet fromt he shower, slightly turned with good posture, you can defintely make out that I'm balding... GPC States is April 6th for QLD. That will be my next comp. 18 weeks should be plenty of time to get back to in to benching slowly and hopefully better my 2012 Nats effort.
  4. How's the diet going fatty?
  5. another thing.. There was no info about what weight to start at.. So what I did was, I took about a week and did sets of 5 reps and kept increasing the weight till I could only get 4 reps. Then went back about 5kg and started the program there. 2.5kg increase for deads and squat will be fine. Bench and OHP and Power cleans will be a struggle alot sooner than SQ and DL.
  6. Go to thailand. buy what you need over the counter. . . profit? I just watched Bigger, Faster, Stronger after having downloaded it like 3 years ago. great doco.. anyone that hasn't seen it should get it
  7. Is paint stripper ok to use on the coolers?
  8. Blood test and full hormonal panel will give you all the info you need. But you may have trouble getting a docotor to sign off on getting the hormonal panel tests. This is from a mate on another forum.. I suggest you look all those things up and make your own mind up about it all.
  9. 2.5kg every time you do that lift. if you are squatting 3 times per week, it's 7.5kg increase that week. Mon = 100, 100, 100 Wed = 102.5, 102.5, 102.5 Fri = 105, 105, 105 Mon = 107.5, 107.5, 107.5 and so on. If you have smaller plates (I've got a pair of 0.5kg for example), then use those when shit gets hard. and it will. hence if you don't do GOMAD with this program, and stall on you rlifts and you ask a question on his forum you'll get YNDTFP (You're Not Doing The f**ken Program)
  10. Tom - when I said more volume for deadlift, I didn't mean while doing starting strength program. When you consider that you squat, bench, deadlift Monday, then Squat, OHP, Power clean Wednesday, then squat, bench, deadlift Friday, and you are increasing by 2.5kg on each movement each time you do it, it gets pretty farkin hard after a while. It gets to the point where doing all 3 movements in one session is too much. That is why he has only 1 set for deadlift. So I changed to a different program after about 4 months which is where I started not getting anywhere with deads. You may be able to do assistance exercises at first, but you'll be too f**ked after a few months of incerasing each lift.
  11. well if you want to be a nancy, you could just do an oil and filter change and use Diesel oil. Use that for a couple of hundred kms and then dump it and replace filter and use whatever new oil you want.
  12. Got Milk? PS - there isn't enough deadlifting in his program... I know he goes on about it needing more recovery time etc etc. But I got stuck on a shit weight for a long time doing it his way. added more volume for deadlifts and shot up many kilos for it.
  13. Monday is Squat night. edit - mine says Dead night.. sweet
  14. 500ml Auto trans Fluid in to engine oil, bring it up to operating temps, dump oil when hot, replace oil filter and put in new oil. wear gloves or have towel ready to reduce burning your hand on the oil.
  15. Supercharger equipped engines such as *insert Nissan TURBO Charged engine range here* LOL High Torque engines such as RB20DET? lol
  16. wow.... so many ricers here.. just paint the cooler black you Gen Y noobs
  17. you can increase it to 10psi now. 12 will probably hit R&R territory and keep cutting out.
  18. Markos has a guy at PTC that can help you.
  19. Tom - Chest supported reverse grip bicep curls, tricep kickbacks using bottom cable pulley and netball is just as good mate.
  20. This thread should squat more and worry about macros less
  21. This thread went full retard
  22. looks good mang http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=du3zf9kvQQw
  23. Your gut sounds soft.... I'd put it on a strict diet of squats to harden it the f**k up
  24. Good point.. what profession requires a GTR or S15?
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