Troy - I meant heading towards skinny.
A mate from another forum was 85kg and lean.. but wanted to get to single digits, so cut some more..
got to single digits but still wanted to get even tighter around the lower abs and obliques (he already was but at this stage he was well on his way to his problem.)
got down to 78kg and was lean as.
then, just like you say, he wanted to hold on to it, so stayed away from certain foods, just basically went to the extreme with food, training, sleep, timing of when he eats and what, timing around lifting, rest, duration or sets etc etc.
Anyway, he dissapeared off the forums for about 4 months and made a return.
When he came back online, he eventualy posted a thread titled "Guys, I've got a problem"
he told his story as above and then said that he'd been sick and then said he was 43kg and posted a picture.
I shit you not, it was a scary sight.
a skeleton of a man.
a long 18 months later he was back to a light 70kg.
he had to see a psychologist 3 times a week, a nutritionist 2 times a week and his doctor once a week.
for months they tried to get his blood work to how it should be for his age, but his body was f**ked up and wouldn't produce hormones like youd expect a mid 20's guy who used to lift.
Eventually had to be put on TRT.
It took him AGES to get his mind right and stop seeing himself as fat (even when he was around 50kg)
He is now 95kg, has benched close to 150, squats 200 and deadlifts 240
and is still fairly lean.
long story but I'm sure you can see some similarities from the story to what goes through your head.
Be careful mate.
Mitch - Do I need to remind you how to fix that?