who said anything about body builders or benching 130kg?
Adz suggested not to do front shoulder raises with heavy 15kg ones.
he suggested that people should "start with something lighter to build strength in the shoulder"
and you agreed that lighter weight with higher reps is what builds "Strength"
which basically means that you're both mororns, that know NOTHING about strength and should not give out such advice to general population.
if you think light weights for high reps builds "strength", you're wrong.
if you think DB front delt raises builds strength, you're wrong.
I feel sorry for anyone reading this shit who actually wants to get big and strong.
hopefully they've got the brain power to search "strength training" in google and find the right sites and info.
jesus christ.
if any of you cun7s were held responsible for your "advice", you'd be sewed over and over.