as i can see i found this could help
Its hard to get tunning software to work on it.
[email protected]
haahah and we get the blame still!!
Rumor has it IF u get caught after 3 times the cops keep ur car some they sell / auction away.
althoguth arounf my area their was a cop in a Red 33 than pulled someone over hrmm...
Having a skyline gets you pulled over full stop
I got it cause
1st - one brake light was to dim!!!
My FAV!!! driving through th strip in freo 2nd gear doing 20 in a 50 i accle a lil TO 50
3 under cover cops jumped in the middle of the rd and said UR BOV IS TOO LOUD
i dont have A BOV!! was my screamer pipe(but didnt tell them that)
they gave me a fine for EXCUSIVE NOISE (3 POINTS) DUE to aclle ti fast!
Soo sucks
Number 1 Hot spot Fremantle! lol
Not parking on the streets again last time got my car smashed their ona wenesday night from a group Lets say Native people
Hey champ What F(*ks they must prob going for a sound system which is known to happen alot! their not much you can do besidse try to park it else,
sucks tho cnart do much
(Shave the boot lid so no lock use the lever) ?
By law they gave you 3 months but now you carnt drive at all really i ahve been pulled over i just bullshatted saying that its rego'd Pits said it was fine they check the rego still vaild 4 a yr did nt do anything BUT 2 be safe im getting it done asap!