hey Guys,
I been looking everywhere to find a split / dump front pipe / a scrmear for my r34 could not find it at all!!
So i bought a Front Dump From (SOMEWHERE )And made 1 myself (with alot of help that is )
Step 1 - Cut the F+&KR up
Step -2 Make sure the flange is sealed so no air will flow throw!!
We made new hole so the air will go where we want it to go!
Step 3 alot of welding + more welding
Step 4 Welding
Step 5 Welding!
Step 6 Besides welding had to make sure the scnr pip didnt hit any cords/ hoses when fitted and need to make sure that the bolts would still go on
basicl after of a 10 hour staight day of this.
the finishing products was WOW! sounded hot! Look perfect but did it scream
let me just say i have the biggest headache : )