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Everything posted by 260tech

  1. "When I got to the end I was dissapointed it was over so i went back and did it again." Haha, in any other wagon I woulda said "you need help", gotta love the beast.
  2. Good stuff = it's practically the same suspension tech spec wise as the fabled unicorned monster stealth wagon. Bad stuff = this is a "one off concept car" $$$$$$$$$ And ...........it's missing one cylinder ffs! I mean really! How can that be good. Very nice beach wagon all the same. For the night fishing trips of course.
  3. Price for catchcan (pm) to 6432 please? Cheers GW
  4. If you haven't sussed this out already then I would ask ; (1) Is both kph & total kms not functioning? If both not functioning then (2) Beg/borrow/steal substitute sensor to eliminate sensor? (3) Check wiring loom/connectors for dodgy connection. If one part (kph or total) works & other not the problem most likely in panel meter. Bad/corroded connection, cracked cct board? My 2c Cheers GW
  5. GREDDY TRUST Top INTERCOOLER PIPES with special clamps300 Price to 6432 please? Cheers GW
  6. ^^^ Hi there, good info & needs some thought before parting out with the dosh. Thanks. Yep S1 and S2 radiators are the same. I have a R33 GTR ISC 52mm rad in mine, fitted perfect. R33/34 rads are the same as far as i know, R32 slightly diff. Quote msports180 ~ More good info, rational decision time. Damn. GW
  7. I also would like one of these little beauties, anyone know if radiator support for S2 (is) same as S1?
  8. Saturday 18th July, just after mid-day, 10kms east of Yellowdine on Great Eastern highway, Silver/Grey 260RS s1 travelling east. Waved madly, no response. Sunday 19th July, just after mid day, 15kms west of Yellowdine on Great Eastern highway, Silver/Grey 260RS s1 travelling west. They waved first Dunno if it's anyone on this forum but what are the chances of seeing the same same car(s) 2 days in a row within 50kms on a 600km journey? Cheers GW
  9. ^^^ Like he says & as I've already said on a related thread in here somewhere, I want to know ; (1.) How we corner the import lisence for the Gas Analysers that are ADR approved, (2.) Where we (us old un-employed revheads) can be retrained on some Govt., sponsored scheme to run the tests. (3.) When do we start. Cheers GW
  10. "Training", unfortunately goes out the window when it meets "adrenalin dump" or in this instance "adrenalin rush" as the law discovers the power of "latest weapon' in the fight against crime on our streets. I do not like the look of this at all. Damn! GW PS: the only positive I can see in all this atmo is the queue at the testing station.
  11. Yup like everyone on here says, behave like a tool & you'll sure as s#$t get treated like one. Possessing a high profile high performance vehicle is a big responsibility & that is all. Enjoy it for what it is, drive within the law, if you must get up it occaisionally, take it to driver training/track days & have fun. My 2c. Cheers GW
  12. ^^^ Country of manufacture please?
  13. Looks like this. Edit: The pipes in first pic "for sale" seem to be st/st fabricated. Mine are extruded polished ally.
  14. Bought the Stagea in 2006, I was 59 then & haven't aged a day since. Not likely to either.
  15. Commuter, backroads, Sandstone ~ Menzies, WA
  16. Try this link, <www.classicrally.com.au> Shannons One Day Classic Car Rally? (Maybe)
  17. Get photo's, good lawyer, take it to court. Best of luck buddy. Fine is one thing but 6 points on DL for next 3 years could be major income-shafting issue. GW
  18. So.......how much does one of these ADR approved gas analyser jobbies cost & where would the unemployed get retrained/certified? SAUWA (silent partner/stealth) sponsored testing franchise(s)? Loaner cats, fit yourself? $300/4 minute tests? Manned by semi-retired rev heads? Cash? Just wondering is all............... GW
  19. Take it for a test ride to Tenagah Motorsports, (SAUWA sponsor) 43 Lancaster road Wangara. Phone them first Abdus/Cambell, to make an appt., to get it checked out & see what they say. Might be able to put you onto some mirrors at the same time. Cheers GW
  20. Check out yer friendly car dismantler specializing in Nissan bits else get some Ganador mirrors off Importmonster/RHDjapan/Nengun. Leastways that's what I would do. I shudder to think of what you would go through to get 'em outta Nissan. Cheers, GW
  21. Beat me. Search member "Darrinspencer", dunno where you are located but these fellas in NSW are on bodykit fitting subject right now. http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/Bo...r-t276836.html# Cheers GW
  22. I suppose you are well & truly over it Nigel & my condolences, for what that is worth but I can't help thinking that this would be the perfect vehicle for a R34 GT Masa conversion. In flame orange of course. Pity you couldn't get hold of a shi#box to run around in & make it your project. Cheers Dude.
  23. Below average day for me generally; anything remotely related to engines that have not been molested for a while, specifically cylinder heads, were the job includes exhaust manifold studs/nuts or V8 valley cover bolts. I just know it's going to be a bad day before I start. I hate easy-outs & have a fair bit of experience with small titanium drill bits, Dremels, left hand drill bits, cold chisels & the great leveller.....oxy acetylene plus cutting hand piece/tip when sweet reason fails. Cheers, GW
  24. Hey Steve, (& all you 260 boys out there), maybe we should start a 260RS owners thread, like the R34, R35 boys, so that potential buyers can see what they get when they contemplate buying a $25 ~ $50k family wagon? I say this as the replies to your post so far seem to be from current 260RS parents. Cheers GW
  25. Hi dude, please copy details to me also, pm'd you yesterday but maybe I'm getting paranoid? Cheers GW
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