I've got an Informeter, and while its pretty good at what it does, it becomes expensive when you want to add on sensors.
You have to buy a harness to connect additional sensors, then the sensors themselves. For some you have to buy the cabling too. I have a list Greddy support gave me if you want, and prices from Streeter. Not sure if you can use the sensors wired to an Emanage through the optional serial connection? I know you can connect the Informeter to the Emanage.
I'm actually thinking of selling it now, as I'd like the additional sensors but I don't want to pay those prices just for the Informeter, then in some cases buy additional ones for the engine management.
I was looking at getting HKS CAMP2 (although its discontinued now, not sure if theres an update coming), and connecting it to the Fcon to use the additional Fcon sensors I've ordered. That way any extra sensors I buy, whether its for Fcon or just for information, can in theory be used for multiple purposes.
Might also look at replacing the deck already, so I can run multiple video sources into the back, and use the deck for CAMP2 and the stock screen for stereo/TV, or vice versa. Brad and I might have to have a little discussion about that...
Its in the car and ready to go, so if you want to see it in action, let me know. Sure Dunc can show you too.