Its easy to get car body paint look..
Drop it in some metho, bath it with a scouring sponge or somthing similar until all the old paint is removed, all is important!!
Then sand back with 1500 grit paper to remove most scatches you made.
Hit it with a Light coat of colour youd like, just buy body spray paint.
Then sand back with 2000grit
Then hit with heavier coat, then sand back again with water and 2000
Hit with heavyish coat but not full heavy, again sand back until smooth.
You may wish to apply a last coat now.
Clear mild coat and sand back heavy with 2000grit should be very smooth now
Then reapeat clear with two heavy coats and sanding in between, the last coat you do not sand.
Hit with a heavy cut and polish and you will have show quailty stuff.
They will basically do the same, may look better because you arnt a pro