I'm Sure it has nothing to do with it.. However..
My mates father was driving his import a 1993 Black soarer, in the M4 tunnel which runs from kingsgrove to airport. My mate is a good bloke and wouldnt hurt a fly (actually hes a pussy even tho its quite large and never pisses anyone off, hence we dont understand why the next situation happend)
The truck came up behind his father flashing and sounding the horn.. he then proceeded to ram the Soarer several times, being a twin turbo after the second or third time his dad (a very big man, was very unhappy - imagine arnold, bigger than him) anyways he gets out to wail abuse and get his details. Sorry cant do that because the truck proceeds to run him down.
He narrowly misses him, his father proceeds to get further licence plates details and the truck then decides to try run over the soarer.
So seems the truckies have something against imports? or just like killing people!? Do you think it could be race related?
Why is the world so shit?! All the best to the bloke and his family. RIP