Its a forum u cant track jack..
Moving along, I suggest people living somewhere which have there Location in the details of the forum remove them to prevent tracking if you sell something or so on.
And for god sakes buy a damn good alarm, its obvious they keep hitting alarmless cars and we all know how easy it is to access a Skyline, thanks to the stupid button on the side panel in our cars. Tell the installer to rewire this btw, so its only active when the key is in accessory mode.
Moving along, best alarm you can find (i dont care if you can afford it or not)
In this case its a little different and I feel extremely sorry for your sis. all the best in finding it. btw from the last string of cars being found they seem to wind up in bankstown with parts missing. I would suggest a drive around the suburb. prob contact the cops of the area and ask for car dump spots to check, train stations and so on.
Ill keep an eye out this way too. Cheers