Heh - I wasn't much good for anything but standing around and offering a tool here or asking questions there... It was still an interesting day to watch you guys working on stuff. If I learn something from it, I'm happy.
I love working on cars (like a lot of IT people, I've found), and I read a lot on doing things - but I have little confidence in my knowledge, so I try and get somebody experienced to guide me when I'm unsure. I also prefer to tackle things I'm familiar with - general servicing isn't an issue (fuel filter, oil filter, oil change, etc - did a complete service on my N14 SSS recently which involved a changing of the timing chain tensioner - but, I got in help on that one ). Either way, a snapped accelerator pedal was not something I felt comfortable with - one of those things that if you attempt to fix, and can't - you can't drive the car anywhere to get it fixed. Thankfully it was RubyRS4 to the rescue
Ruby - did you have any luck recovering your extension lead today?
Anyway, it was good to actually meet some people from the forums and put faces to names ... Hell, I am an SAU:SA member ... Maybe I should drop down to villis on a Friday ...