Hi i have a rb30e engine i have been working on it has an xf throttle, stainless intake'3"' +pod, cam, ported and plained head, mapassi regulator, rb25de pistons, racing rings,bocsh 450hp fuel pump,stainless extrctors, stainless exhaust with hi flow cat.
This engine will be pushing a fully worked 3 speed trimatic(manual valve body, shift kit and transbrake $3200 !!!!!)
I need a better ecu to push the higger pulse injectors and possibly an extra injector plus the ability to tune more accuratly. What mangement system would best suit this application?Due to not running boost i hope to get away wit alot cheaper then a turbo ecu.
If you know of anyother n/a mods please let me know.
Thank you for replys>[/size][/size]