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Everything posted by dnbutts

  1. So i disconnected a few wires in hope that id simply cut the power to the antenna but now, for whatever reason my amp and consequently sub arent getting power = no doof doof At the moment ive simply got the remote wire for the amp connected to the back of the headunit. All other wires are connected as normal (speakers) and ive got the pre amp plugs (L&R) both connected to the amp. ================================================================================ ========================= make sure your antenna is DEFINATELY connected to the remote antenna out coming off your head unit. this is usually blue. also make sure your other wires are properly connected up whilst doing it. as for your sub and amp, you do have a positive and negative lead running to them yes? maybe check the ground and the 12v lead coming from the battery? As there is no fuse for the power antenna dont bother wasting your time there.
  2. antenna doesnt have a fuse, pull out your head unit and MAKE sure the power antenna wire is properly connexted. as for the sub + amp prob. i dont understand....their not working properly because you have ONLY connected the controll wire to the amp, do you have power + ground + RCA leads going to it? please be a bit clearer and ill try to understand.
  3. get a decent LSD / Diff oil, i have a $120 bottle here and works a treat!
  4. diff fluid you need a pump to pump it up in there. the r33 holds about 1.7 litres and decent oil DOES make on hell of a difference. i noticed more LSD lock + smother gear changing. used a bottle of RED LINE something, its in the shed and ill have a look. gearbox oil i used castrol synthetic something or rather and maked the gearbox a lot smother shifting.
  5. ok, i have experienced the same sort of probs before. could be a number of things, have you installed a boost controller and been playing around with it without a proper dyno tune (as what i did) if no then could be fuel pump shat itself, AFM, injectors, turbo leak etc. best to get it up on a dyno somewhere and find out whats happening.
  6. dunno what it has to do with forced induction but id suggest autobarn etc...ebay bla bla. have a look in the trader section even. not quite sure on who would stock them in there but its worth a look.
  7. seriously doubt it, in SA you can wave goodbye to your car if the cops catch you with that!
  8. wrong! its in the boot because he says so! PS: good luck wiring your turbotimer to the battery / fuse box etc. should work a treat! gold.
  9. thats bloody insane! guess the cops didnt like it?
  10. not a fan sorry, bit too much 'bling for me'
  11. pm'd
  12. spotted a black r32, very clean from what i saw 'HURRYUP' turning off tapleys hill road near the skate park @ glenelg, got a nod bud didnt have time to nod back.
  13. kk, sounds fun!
  14. ehhh, not feeling the best unfortunately this week. gonna give it a miss.
  15. Hi all, after an R33 GTST Series 2 ECU, one that hasnt been remapped, flashed etc and is in perfectly standard working condition. Also, this ESPECIALLY needs to have had no modification to the standard boost solenoid wiring. If you are able to help me out please send me a PM, cheers! Shane.
  16. 20% very nice
  17. dang bad luck on the EVO dude, looked very nice when i was around going over it!
  18. Mildrens have a good name behind then, first hand though i wouldnt know. I highly reccomend Boostworx at Panorama though, Sean has a good name and i recon anyone on this forum would agree with me. Im booked in in a couple of weeks for a full dyno tune and cant wait!
  19. 14 PSI sounds a bit too high with your mods atm. Without an aftermarket fuel pump i doubt you would be up at 190 though. If it has ben PROPERLY dyno'd at 15psi then you may have a highflowed turbo? Oh and to change the front bar you will need new head lights, bonnet and guards. S1 guards and S2 headlights dont exactly match up off the top of my head. Maybe invest in a type-m or GTR rear spoiler i say.
  20. ill be glad to cruise along but probably wont donate as me and the missus have organised to donate long before then.
  21. sorry to hear bud, if i was working that day i would have stumbled accross it too (only work 2 streets back towards henley beach road)
  22. lego star wars on xb3 the rest is a secret to me
  23. wholly shit glad to hear your ok. hopefully they will spend some harsh time behind bars and learn their lesson.
  24. im gonna go hoon/drive unregistered etc to get a wheel brace then post a topic on it removing the whole front suspension/controll assembly from the cross member bar to the hub might gain me access to it i doubt doing a little burnout in a sidestreet somewhere will automatically get your car clamped. if everyone stays sensible on the road then we will pwn their clamping!
  25. Hacksaw / Chainsaw /C4 > wheel brace. who cares about the cops though seriously, sure it pisses everyone off but going vigilante on the forums isn't going to solve the problem. half of them are pricks and the other half i haven't met yet. if all turbo imports and P platers didnt give them a reason to pull us over then im sure they wouldnt.
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