Hi, most of you know, I have a black R33 GTR and I'm on RED Ps. I just got pulled over on the eastern bypass for a "random" breathliser. Blew 0.00, then the dickhead proceeded to tell me I had no P plates up. So I pointed to them and he says theyr illegal. I have white P plates with the P written in RED. Apparently this is illegal. Same goes for green. Has to be green plate and white P. As a result, I've been fined $100 for being "Provisional driver type 1A. Fail to display Red P plate (first 6 months)". Get a f@#$ing life, I AM DISPLAYING RED P PLATES, JUST LIKE THE ONES DPI GIVE YOU WHEN YOU PASS YOUR TEST!!
What was even more bs, was the senior officer came up and then started chatting about skylines, mentioning how his brother in law has a R34 and how I service it at XSpeed with Hanson cause I have a sticker there. FFS I HELL WANT TO TALK TO YOU WHILST YOUR JUNIOR OFFICER FINES ME!!!! Then the young f@#$wit asks to open my bonnet, so I do and the can't sticker me for anything cause my car is totally legal, bastards.