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Everything posted by loymclure

  1. give this one ago and see how easy it is maybe you can pull some people accross from x-chat
  2. ahh cheers for that whats this X-chat ? and is it a cool prog? Reckon we should just make a SAU ACT channel ?
  3. Hey guys I've been toying with the idea for quite some time but have never really done any research on it. Basically it’s MIRC and i know most of you have used it with the exception that you don’t have to load anything into your computer. I’ve found a free online java client so all you will have to do is go to the webpage put in your username and type in your server and channel. And it will connect and you can all talk in the main channel called #SAU or you can private chat 1 on 1 so that no one else can see what you are saying. The only advantage on this is that ever one who is logged in will receive your message as it is sent so organizing meets or selling parts can be done quite simply. to do this you need to go to this webpage (anybody that has firefox loaded in thier PC will have to use FireFox not internet explorer): http://irc.netsplit.de/webchat/?net=AustNet and in the section where it asks for "chat room" type in #SAU, make sure you type in the # next line is "Nickname" anything you wish to call yourself. and then click "start web applet" it will take a few minutes for JAVA to load up and might even give you a warning about something or other just click yes. and then should give you the client screen with the word "connecting" now if it doesn't connect and you receive "Unable to connect : java.net.ConnectException : Connection timed out: connect " just below that is where you type all your text type this "/server ezehost.il.us.austnet.org" hit enter and it should connect to Austnet and then #SAU and you will be able to say anything you want in the main channel. or if you double click the names on the left you can private chat to any one else you choose. This is a great way to chat in real time to other SAU members Send me a Message if you are having any trouble connecting to the Server and ill do my best to help out. Some of you maynot be able to connectas your firewalls at work may not allow you to view the page but this can be fixed using a Proxy like www.blastproxy.com
  4. who is doing what to who friday ?
  5. bad news son, i was hoping it was a commonwhore driver lol i had a run in with one the other day. Fat C*&$ swore at me out his window so i pulled over and approched him and the two girls he was with ready to bang some sence into his head. When i asked him what he said he replied with "nothing" and acted like the coward he is, so i thought well the girls probly think nothing of him now for being a coward so ill let it slide.
  6. any news on the man charged for doing 190 Km/h on Tuggeranong Parkway? would be rather interesting to know what sort of car he drives.
  7. cheers for all the input fallas, i hope none of you ever have to go through that and at the same token i wish i didnt get out of my car and just grabbed the rego and gave it to the cops then maybe i would have some compensation for the dent in my car. but then again my word against five of theirs...... nah im happy i did what i did and its about time people started to respect other people and their cars. i seriously wouldnt even damage my worst enemies car just on the simple fact that its a low blow like a kick to the balls. I think it was just a really bad case of jealousy, hopefully it will deter these idiots from doing this kinda shit again. The look on their faces was priceless, i dont think they ever imagined any thing of the sort would happen in the middle of the road at a set of traffic lights.
  8. i have 2 Audiobahn dual coil 600 watt rms subs powered by a kenwould 1000 watter and 4 Pioneer 6"s one in each door powerd by a kenwood 500 watter. its still not loud enough i have 2 JVC 6X9's that need to go in but im unsure where to put them, any ideas? As it sits now my 2 subs are boxed seperately and i can move each off to the side if i need my boot space wich is good.
  9. Only thing i got off the rego was NSW BBQ but the Q could of been a D or an O and the car was definately a mazda 3 black/charcoal so im guessing QBN or Jerra dont think it was ballsy at all any one cowardly enough to throw something out a car at Traffic lights with 4 of thier mates in the car would have to be a coward, When i got out of my seat first up i yelled "GET THE F*CK OUTTA THE CAR" no doubt in my mind i would of finnished off all 5 of em . Just couldnt get the dogs door open.
  10. later champ thanks for the console
  11. yeah i think its fair to say he wont do it again... only prob is i won the fight not the war my car still has a dent in it.
  12. i just dont understand why someone would pull up next to you and throw something at your car for no reason ? what is there to gain from it? did they really think i would just sit in my car wich i worked dam hard for and let them drive off joking about how tuff they were?
  13. Stopped at the lights accross from bunnings and a black Mazda 3 pulled up next to me with 5 guys in the car one of them throws a beer bottle cap at my car, so as any normal person that drives a Stagea/skyline does i proceded to get out of the car and punch the F*ck head in the back seat through the window that thew that cap at my car and then his mate proceded to throw a bottle at my car and left a dent in the sill just below my roof rack. If you know these idiots let me know id love to go round 2 with all five of the cowards, they wouldnt even get out of the car.
  14. doesnt sound bad Nick, LOL Sh@un I am not from Sydney and the reason i said tho's two suberbs is because im living in Mosman and working in Waverton. Let us know when and where to meet up for a cruize and ill drag my mate with, maybe get him out side for a bit instead of sitting infront of that Dam World of Warcraft Cheers
  15. Hugh, i think my next track run will be under closer monitoring. Might have to invest in a sat nav
  16. fair call GODZILLA, Apologies.
  17. add +- 80 ?lol
  18. very strange there must be something wrong with my limiter because it went past 180 on the speedo and just kept bouncing back down to below 180 but there was no change in motion or pull at all ...... haha wont see me complaining.
  19. spending the next two weeks there Any thing interesting to do ? or do you guys have any cruises?
  20. yeah i know my speedo is out about 200m's to the 5klm's according to the speedo checks on the hi-way might have something to do with the 19' wheels. but i sware it was heaps more then 160-180 and still pulling, still had alot more in it only reason i slowed was because of the wheels they felt like they were tram tracking.
  21. Well i have a rather strange question i heard that stagea's and skylines are limited to 180KM/H, if this is so am i sposed to feel some sort of lagg out or just a suddern drop in revs or what? The reason i ask is if i took my car up to 180 (could have been on a track could have been on a dyno or any thing) the speedo reads 180 but the car still feels like its accelerating and the needle bounces violently, is this normal ? Any one els had this same sporta thing? in the pic you can see it is just above 180 and caught in the middle of its jumping.
  22. Yeah my speedo jumps to ...... lol when it gets to 180 and it has no place els to go
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