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Everything posted by loymclure

  1. http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/in...20copy&st=0 this was sposed to be the tester forum but unsure how far they got with actually testing it, there is how ever alot of awsome info on the desription of the ebay greddy copy ones have a read you might come across somin good
  2. i was looking at the front facing plenum in order to shorten the pipe from the intercooler so i wouldnt have to go through that much pain to get it fitted but sounds like its exactly the same amount of trouble. So if i get a new manifoild but a low mount one i should still be able to use all my old lines etc?
  3. Got an email back from japparts.com.au they quoted me a nice tidy price on a aftermarket plenum and manifold package $700 + 45 shipping to canberra. http://www.japparts.com.au/products/Intake/index.htm Just a few questions. What is the difference between top mount and low mount turbo manifold besides the obviese fact one will fit into the stock position and the other is mounted slightly higher? Has any one tried one of these plenums or manifolds, if so whats the quality like? How hard is it to install these badboys your self? any help would be greatly apreciated. cheers clint.
  4. Any one done a FMIC install with a front facing plenum? im pretty keen to find out every thing i can, what and where i would need to cut etc please post up any pics you have and show me where the pipes would come through. Also if you could recomend a kit to suit a stagea with a front facing plenum that would be TOPS cheers guys and thanks for any help
  5. hope he doesn't ..... not a fan of stolen cars. (if it is stolen) if its over a speeding fine lol i hope he makes it to perth.
  6. cheers for that guys.
  7. Got pulled up by three blokes today at bunnings in tuggers, they wanted to see the stag one of em was thinking of purchasing one................. for his wife nice blokes
  8. pretty sad that ive been driving the car for a year and i still dont know what this button is for .... lol. the button is located on the left hand side of the streering wheel sorry about the quality of the pic i took it on my phone at night.
  9. Just wanted to know if the shape of the stag's fuel tank plays any part of the consumption ? i havn't had a look at my tank yet but i do find that if i put $20 in, it takes it to just above the first quater and it eats through that like wild fire. Does the tank get smaller toward the bottom or is it just a guage issue?
  10. Revenue Raising. those cameras will pay them selves off in 2 months and then they will start working toward the next installation of cameras, so on and so fourth. My advice Dont speed unless your sure you'll get away with it, or save it for the track.
  11. marron R33 at jerra shops looks like he just had his front bar put on it was still black and he was missing a grill
  12. "NISSAN SKYLINE R33 ,R34,RB25,NEO ALLOY VENTED COIL PACK COVER POWDER COATED WITH AUTOMOTIVE OIL AND HEAT RESISTANT PAINT, DIRECT BOLT ON TO THE STOCK HEAD. THEY ALSO COME WITH CHROME OR BLACK COUNTER SUNK NUTS" no fuss about a Group buy I'm getting mine made up regardless and ill throw a line to any one els who wants it done, just I thought it would be something a little different and cool and be Stagea orientated. Please feel free to put up some of your designs I'm open to new ideas
  13. I'm looking at having a pretty blue Coil pack cover made up for my Stagea, trying to keep every thing under the bonnet blue and chrome. My coil pack cover must be something that looks good and is Stagea orientated so it "kind of" looks original. Not a huge fan of brand naming every thing with performance parts brands. the bloke that does it said it will cost $120-$150 to get made up Just thought id post a pic of what i designed for the coil pack cover, see what you all think maybe if you're keen you can chuck a couple of designs up aswell if you're bored. all the writing and vents are cut into the cover and then its power coated in what ever colour suits your engine bay. Maybe if you want it done give us a yell and I'll throw you in the right direction.
  14. How can you Quote and "average" % with out a time frame? 40% over how long or used how many times? Where do you get your information for this "40%" your statement is floord you have no basis to make such a statement. I personally think you are just trying to "talk smart" in order to justify a price for a set of banged up coilovers that were used for many track days Hahahaha you would have to be the worste kind of salesmen I've ever seen on any forum, kind of like a strung out drug dealer, when people dont want your dodgy product you blame the consumer. I think your desperation to get rid of them show's a little to much. Your almost at the point where you wont even be able to give them away to any one on this forum. I dont recall any one offering you any thing. "might be inclined" was the term i used
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