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Everything posted by loymclure

  1. series one is exactly the same badge just unclips. i have one on my car.
  2. KiwiRS4T would you advise 10psi on stock intercooler? (im not 100% sure its a great idea) I say go the intercooler, zorst and fuel pump then get it all dyno'd in one hit. might save you some time and money on getting it redyno'd.
  3. two words : Caribbean Gardens
  4. loymclure


    get a Stagea... lol but im bias can pick up a nice later model one for round the $20K mark and you get every single option availible to man with the added practicality of a wagon.
  5. guarenteed you will get off this ticket. i had a holden pannel van and the person who wrote my ticket out said it was a cream honda wagon. i rang up the council and they told me all i had to do was write a letter and send in a copy of the ticket and they cleared it.
  6. im on 10.8 fmic catback emanage ultimate gizzmo ibc pod
  7. hey now that you have the body kit off ill email you my address and you can pass it on to me
  8. Hey guys im looking at grabbing this turbo off a mate i had a look at it yesterday, but I wasnt to sure on what i was looking for. Basicly the front of the turbo is all polished up nicely and there is no shaft play on the steel wheel but when you turn the turbo around and fiddle ith the exhaust wheel it has about 1 mm movement is this common or sh1te? what els should i be looking for? and will this turbo fit my car in its original place with no mods?
  9. what about pumping the breaks? or signals? that would require 2 people but might give you the answer your looking for.
  10. V8 Stagea? do tell me more. i think i just got a mad stiffy.
  11. hey guys let me know when your going to be down at authers seat i might be able to come down if my son is awake.
  12. loymclure


    lol how funny in the market to buy a house for my self and wife and ive come accross this house witch is perfect so ive google mapped it and gone street view and this is what ive seen would be nice to talk to the person on here who owns this house if they are a SAU member.
  13. Black R33 on mclaurin street m35 stagea on centre dandenong
  14. guages dont look half bad ither can you find me a price for them plus the cup holders to 3199 cheers mate
  15. sorry mate i can't help my self but that comment has got me fairly fired up, are you fighting Down Syndrome or what ? Like you would have to be a complete fkn retard to post something like that up for every one to read. who says "get your AK and f**k them hoe's up." seriously? even if it was intended as a joke it is just completely stupid. its the little things like this that get me banned from most forums. come on guys lets think about sh*t before we post it. there is alot of people reading this stuff and not every one is at your interlect level
  16. every one knows how i feel about imperial spanners
  17. lol this is like a quote out of "Playschool" in frankston
  18. hey champ im keen on front and rear cup holders if you have them in good order and could you give me a price with postage to 3199. also i wouldnt mind the front windscreen depending on how much postage would be to 3199. if its to expensive ill just grab the cup holders. cheers
  19. does your car have a spoiler ? coz this one didn't. i cant see from your pic, really hope it wasnt your car coz ol-mate was really giving it shit.
  20. haha nah mate i was in the work ute. but i did see a silvia and a evo follow behind him like 10 seconds later. but they were yard stock being moved coz they still had all the white writing on the front windscreen.
  21. Would just love to give a shout out to the Ledgend in the dark blue r32 at about 1530 that drifted onto Cheltenham road in dandenong and almost killed his 2/3 passengers by first almost hitting a truck and then secondly mounting the curb. i think the smartest thing about you is the fact that you were all wearing Hi-Visibility Vests atleast it would of made it alot easier for the ambulance and fire fighter personnel to locate you mashed up corpses in the wreckage if every thing came unstuck. Good job!
  22. yeah similar thing happened to me, but it was at a set of lights in fyshwick, canberra and there were 4/5 guys in a car. Problem is they got more then they bargained for. i posted a thread up about it when it happened. i regret doing what i did because i wasnt able to make a police report because i would of been charged for asult. but smashing one of em really did make me feel alot better. only prob was i was left to fit the bill for the damage.
  23. lol... none is up for the camera? stuff it ill just ask for the most expensive one. lol just hope they give me a manual with it.
  24. Do you have a Boost controller? sorry the only reason i ask is because they will give you your boost guage aswell. I had mine installed in the glove box and its fairly neat and tucked away. if i want to see what is going on i just drop the glove box down and move aside the paperwork i have over it. but then again you will still need your presure line and a few wires to your solenoid. ill take a pic later and post i up for ya.
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