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About QWK32

  • Birthday 19/11/1983

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    S2 Stagea RS4
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  1. if you are using a stock standard ECU then yes, it needs to be at least be plugged in or it will throw a fault code on the ECU. If your using a complete aftermarket ECU than you shouldn't need it, if your using Nistune than yes you can disable fault code feedback from it in the DTC filter section.
  2. Thanks nismoid, yes I realise with RAID5 you loose one drive worth of capacity. Its not really a big issue as I said earlier we don't need a lot of storage space and anything around 2-4TB will be more than enough. Setting up a small server isn't really on the cards,the guys don't really want the extra hassel of a dedicated PC storage server and really like the idea of these easy "plug any play" NAS's on the market. Basically need to keep the setup as simple as possible. The only thing I'm stuck on at the moment is the backup solution, it would be great to have the backup drive apart of the NAS box and just remove it at the end of the day.
  3. thanks for that, i'll have a read through it tonight. I was looking at the Netgear and Qnap boxes, and then buying my own drives to go in them, it worked out alot cheaper than buying a NAS with drives included. Prices were around the $600-$800 mark depending on what capacity drives we went with. we're not after massive amount of storage, so anything around 2-4TB is going to be fine. Just thinking about the setup, is it possible to setup a RAID ontop of another RAID. So RAID5 3 drives together to give lets say 2TB, then RAID1 (mirror) those to another 2TB drive? will i upset the RAID system by removing a drive every night?
  4. Hi guys, I've been asked to help setup a small office network and while i am competent enough to setup the network i just need a little advice on how to go about the NAS and backup side of things. Now when i say small office i mean small, the basic run down of the setup will be: the internet modem / wifi router 2 Notebooks 1 or 2 networked printers NAS Now my questions are, with most NAS's these days i see that they can be fairly easily setup as RAID with most having some sort of on board software to select the RAID format you want. My knowledge of RAID is limited at the moment (still learning) but from what I've read RAID 5 looks like a good setup to help in the prevention of data loss when a drive fails, but also still maintaining a good amount of overall storage space when compared to say RAID 1. Is it possible to setup a 4-Bay Hotswappable NAS with 3 of the drives in a RAID 5 array and the 4th drive as a separate backup drive that can be removed at the end of each day (this drive will be taken offsite each night)? So i was looking at say 3 x 1TB HDD in RAID 5 giving 2TB total storage, and a separate 2TB HDD for backup. The second option i was looking into, which is probably easier from my perspective to setup, was a 4-Bay NAS setup as RAID 5, and use an external HDD as a backup drive. Any opinions/advice on the above would be appreciated, is there a better way i could set it up? is RAID 5 the right choice? thanks.
  5. On the passenger side behind the air vent. Remove the glove box to get to it. On the S2 it is a white box.
  6. i went out and spent a bucket load on tools to claim back on tax, so my tax return is going to pay off the c/c bill for those
  7. i got one at launch and i don't regret it, best hand held on the market, just needs some more developers to get onboard and start releasing games. the main Vita games i have so far are Super Stardust, Lumines and i just got Gravity Rush but haven't played it yet. Lumines is addictive if you like block/tetris style games, and Super Stardust is a great little cheap game ($10 i think). i also downloaded all the free augmented reality games but haven't play them that much. the other big bonus is you have access to PSP games from the PSN, which is good for me as i've never had or played a PSP. and even though it doesn't support locally stored PS1 games yet, i can play PS1 games i have on the PS3 through the vita's remote play feature. oh and yes, it is region free.
  8. The extended cut still isn't up for download on PSN yet. Supposed to be hitting euro PSN on the 4th, that's almost a week after everyone else.
  9. still looks like you have no factory fitted options.
  10. yeah i did about the same, took me a while of randomly clicking around to figure the ins and outs of the program. Most of the time you can make a pretty good guess at what options you have, so for yours i would say yes, an LSD. and the other one looks like your car may have been fitted with the 100v AC inverter.
  11. Top toolbar, 2nd button from the right "OP" is options. 3rd button from right "MC" is the model code breakdown. I think I got that right lol, haven't used fast in a while.
  12. Hi Brendan, didn't you get a consult cable? could check the error codes with some consult software. There is a way to check the dtc's by shorting 2 pins on the consult plug and have it flash the error code with the check engine light, i think there is a procedure in the workshop manual for this.
  13. here is a link with videos of the new endings and details of the changes. http://au.ign.com/wikis/mass-effect-3/Extended_Cut_Endings looks like there is one more new "rejection" ending where you confront the catalyst.
  14. i'll be downloading this on the weekend. i've read its best to start from the cerberus assault mission and replay that whole retake earth missions. i couldn't be asses about the galactic readiness, i'll just play it through with the difficulty on like super easy so i can quickly end all the battles, once with my paragon and once with my renegade. any of the other cut scenes i'll watch on youtube. on a good note it looks like they didn't completely change the endings to satisfy the vocal minority demanding they change it. these appear to just be extra cut scenes to expand on the existing endings.
  15. i'm the same, my contract is also running out soon and i'll be up for a new one. i don't mind using either iOS or Android, the only reason i keep getting iPhones is i've always had one right from the first model, which is good because all my syncing of contacts and emails and apps just transfer to the new one. I am a sucker for new and different tech though so the new Samsung Galaxy S3 or even the new Windows 8 phone may be worth a look. i did play with an S3 the other week and though it was a nice phone it just had the plasticy feel to it.
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