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Everything posted by QWK32

  1. ^^^ good info i kept wrex in all on my saves so can't really do the sabotage and get away with it route. i think with a new game and not importing a save it defaults to wrex being dead, but i remember the other assumptions were garbage and it didn't take into account any dlc choices you made, so i'm not really interested in playing without importing a save. i also just finished this game today, 43 hours. first play though, mainly renegade the whole way, did every side mission, only had about 3600 EMS and got the 3 ending options. i made my choice and i'm happy with the ending, i don't really see why everyone is getting so upset about it. i went on the various forums to see what all the fuss is about and i just think those guys are over thinking, over analysing the endings. they are good endings and i really hope bioware doesn't a change a thing or release another ending as DLC. personally i don't like the control ending but the synthesis and destroy endings are good.
  2. cool, i plan on playing it again anyway but it would be good to see all the endings without having to. i'm not sure how all the combinations play out. i think Maelon's genophage data probably has more to do with weather or not the female krogan, Eve, survives. i destroyed it in the imported save i'm playing at the moment and apart from Wrex getting a little pissed off at me, all of Mordins research logs that you can listen to keep mentioning how much easier and better it would be with the data, even though Mordin says its fine and it was the write decision. Then later Mordin says that the female may have survived if he had the data to work from. A few comments later on lead me to believe that if i kept the data, Eve would survive and rally more krogan troops, i guess it would have been some more war assets. as for Mordin i only had two options, shoot Mordin or let him fix the sabotage. though i think even if he had fixed it he would have died as the shroud blew up shortly after he got to the top, didn't look like he would have had much time to get back down. and yeah, i kept Wrex alive. i'n my next play though i have a save where i kept the data so i'll see how that plays out.
  3. possible SPOILERS below......... though i think i'm the only one in this thread that hasn't finished the game yet lol i'm now 35 hours in and just got the Thessia mission of the Asari ambassador. I was stoked that i managed to talk the Geth and Quarians into peace and scored them both as war assets but i lost Wrex and Clan Urdnot when i had to kill him on the Citadel, i knew that sabotage would come back and bite me in the ass. all good though, it worked with the fact that i destroyed the genophage data in my ME2 save. Next play though will be with another save were i kept the data, and i won't sabotage the cure. A question for the guys that have finished it, just a simple yes/no is good. i've done really well and don't know the ending yet despite all the internet coverage of it (so no spoilers please). however, i do know there are multiple endings, can i save the game at some point and keep replaying the last bit and see all the endings?
  4. I used Javik on my squad all the time when i first got him. not so much anymore though but that probably got more to do with my current play style as infiltrator. he has some pretty good dialogue, mainly condescending remarks towards the other species but some of them make me laugh. If you want to use him he uses automatic rifles and heavy pistols, and has a few biotic abilities and lift grenades. Even if you don't use him, the mission where you meet him is a really good one, has some great scenes of the prothean reaper war, and afterwards back on the normandy when you can talk/investigate him you get some interesting info out of him about the prothean empire.
  5. yeah thats basically what i'm doing, after every story mission i check all the systems for 100% asset collection. i've got into the habit of writing the items down on a little notepad so i can easily check them off and know when i've completed them. i just liked how on ME2 there was a little breakdown of the mission that would tell you if you have the items and where to return it to.
  6. ^^^^^^ baaahhahahaha, it always catch's me out when i've been watching some cut scenes or talking to people and have the sound turned up, then the next time i go through a relay its a mad rush for the remote to turn it down. i've finally got some time to play this game so been putting in a few hours here and there. I'm already up to 17 hours and haven't finished it yet, i'm doing the first tuchanka missions. you guys doing it in 16 must have been speed running it lol. I am doing all the side quest and talking to everyone, i spent a couple hours going around the citadel talking to people and listening to there conversations. i am sick of the little fetch missions. e.g. find better power schematics and deliver them to so and so on the citadel. my main issue is it doesn't tell you if you've met the mission parameters so you've got to remember that you've picked up the item and to give it to the person next time at the citadel. and in the spirit. edit: can't figure out youtube embeds.
  7. I think it comes down to the class you pick as well, looking at some of my ME2 saves my Vangaurd and Soilder, aggressive frontline classes, playtime is considerably less than my Adept one where I was hanging out at the back providing support for the team. cpd - I saw a bunch I those at ebgames, the model of the Normandy was pritty cool but expensive.
  8. that was fast, short game or have you been playing non stop? i just started it today, though i picked up my N7 edition on thursday i hadn't had a chance to play it. i was really looking forward to this game and so far, i'm up to the citadel first visit (~2hours in), the game has frozen twice. completely locking up my ps3, have to hold into the power button to get it to start up again, then the ps3 chucks the shits cause it wasn't turned of properly and wants to send of crash reports and check the file system for any corruption. i have been playing my ps3 for about 4 years now average 15-20hours a week, many different games, and have never had this happen. i do like the game/story enough to ignore the occasional dropped frame but the freezing is annoying. i played the Kingdoms of Amular demo to get the bonus ME3 armour and weapon. The weapon you get, chakram launcher i think it was, is mad, it one shots the guys with riot shields. i'm playing through as an infiltrator, just cloak, step out of cover and line them up, drop them with the launcher then back into cover lol. i'm also loving how you start the game with plenty of upgrade points, makes it seem like your about the same level as you were in ME2. Do you get the option to redistribute points later in the game like you could with ME2?
  9. Yep, I've been running a set of those for about 3 years now. The description sounds the same as mine, check out this thread, Link, I've put up a pic of what mine looked like. I didn't run the stock injector clips, just bolted in the rail and they were fine, and still are. As I said in my thread I needed a 2.5-3mm spacer where the rail bolted to the head as they where a touch longer than the stock ones.
  10. ebgames, sorry just checked and its $20 more, not $10. should also state i'm getting it for the PS3. still, once you add up a DLC weapons pack and an extra mission/character it would be close to an extra $20. when i go game shopping i'm all about extra's lol, if i can pre-order or get a special edition with extra DLC i'll go for that. 9 times out of 10 i'll end up paying for a bit of DLC anyway so if i can get it with the game i'm all good. Was just looking and the normal version is $108 on PS3 and $88 on PC (eb prices). consoles get screwed when it comes to game prices lol.
  11. yeah the Shadow Broker one was ok, the mission was shorter than The Arrival but it unlocked the lair, where you could earn some credits, upgrades and get tips on mineral rich planets. Also sets up a bit of the story for ME3 where Liara becomes the shadow broker. The Arrival is one big mission where you play as just Shepard (no teammates) there are a couple of different settings and play styles, one you need to sneak around and others its all guns blazing. I liked it and reckon it was worth it. The basic gist of the story is someone has found the Alpha Relay which the reapers can use to get anywhere in the galaxy fast. A plan is made to push a big asteroid at the relay to destroy it, only catch is the explosion will destroy the entire system which has a couple of Batatarian colonies. Something goes wrong and you don't have enough time to evacuate the colonies before destroying the relay.
  12. I've pre ordered the N7 edition. Only reason being its only $10 more than the normal one and comes with more include DLC that I Would have ended up shelling out for in the future anyway. On another note has everyone played The Arrival DLC mission for ME2? I have and I'd say it plays a part in ME3. I'm keen to see what they do with the human reaper decision, whether you kept it or destroyed it.
  13. it doesn't, and what your saying is correct for the "Load Cut (TP Limit)" table. But on the Neo RB25 there is an additional Boost Cut, that will cut the engine when boost exceeds the set point (~1bar). The table this set point is in is labeled "TP Load Recovery" for some reason. I know when Matt is breaking down the image and locating the tables he compares them to other known images, so that part of the map may have looked like a TP Load Recovery table and adopted the name. yep, tried that. i have also tried the calcs from the nissan patents on TP. it just doesn't work out for the values i have, though i am running a Z32 MAF. e.g. RPM: 5162 VQ: 47544 K: 402 using the above formula 3702 (14) Actual TP: 43900 (171)
  14. Yeah the tables name is misleading, I don't know why it has been labeled as TP Load Recovery but it's function is definatley the boost cut limit. Most tuners will just max it out as well as the airflow cut, TP Load Limit, for obvious reasons. But like I said, maxing out the values won't eliminate the sensor from the system, just stop the ecu from cutting once boost goes over its set point, roughly about 1 bar. I've tried to work out how TP is calculated by using values logged with the data log, I've tried lots of combinations of MAF Lookup, rpm, injection multiplier, latency, number of cylinders, etc etc but can't seem to get the same TP value the ecu shows, there must be a bit going on in the background I can't see.
  15. Nah there is no feedback switch for th boost sensor on the neo ecu's. You can basically disable the sensor by setting all values in the TP Load Recovery table to max, 255. And then turn off the DTC flag to stop the check engine light from coming on, but I think you still need the sensor plugged in. I'm not sure if the ecu starts acting up if it can't detect the sensor is plugged in. I have also heard the you need to put a resistor in the line if you want to remove it.
  16. The flat spot at 5000rpm is in the stock tune, it will still be there even with new coils. The stock map drops a few degrees of timing at the 4500-5000rpm mark then adds it back in around 6000rpm. Just echoing what the others said, get a good fuel pump and change the fuel filter. Get a boost controller, manual or electronic. Unless you know for sure you coils are dying I would leave them.
  17. Yep I'm also using R34 side indicators.
  18. the only difference between the BK and BCP plugs is the length of the plug from the gasket to the top of the plug (where the coil plugs onto). the BK's are about 2.5mm shorter, could be enough to make a bad connection to the coil? whether it has a v-groove or not is in the S part of the part number, BCPR6ES is a standard tip, BCPR6E is a v-groove tip. i just picked up a set of BCPR7ES last week at supercheap, so you can still get them.
  19. You may want to look into this some more as S2 coils have the ignitor built into the coils, where as the S1 coils need an ignitor pack. I was going to say look at the box, but you already turfed it lol, do you have a receipt for them still, your looking for a part number aomething like, SF-DIS-XXX, where the xxx is a number.
  20. Still running the stock rubber inlet pipe, the one from the AFM to the turbo? If you are, have you looked into the fact that it may be sucking closed under full throttle? Big restriction there that will cause poor performance. It is getting hotter and engine bay temps would be getting hotter making the rubber softer. It is a common issue, search for "$5 intake mod" and you should find a whole DIY thread about fixing it.
  21. Definately go for a splitter of some sort. Try to keep all audio away from the tv as most of them will downsample it to 2 channel, so you loose quality and surround sound. That's unless you know for sure you tv will passthrough audio untouched, but I think that's unlikely. Personally I run everything through the amp and get the amp to pass the video to the tv. If you don't have that option look at an optical switcher. Run HDMI to the tv for video, and optical/Toslink to a switcher for your headset. Might be worth checking the PS3 & 360 output sound on both HDMI and optical when HDMI is connected. I know some Blurray players will output audio on HDMI or Optical, not both. If your having trouble finding an optical splitter(more like a channel switcher) they are also known as a Toslink switch.
  22. Funny you said your unit is reading pressure slightly off, my MS-IBC reads about .12 bar lower than my gauge. You won't get anywhere copying someone else's settings, it all comes down to the setup ie good exhaust flow, tune etc. My gain figure is also higher than my duty by 5, 38 duty 43 gain. Basically I left the gain on 0 and lifted the duty until i hit my desired boost level of 1.5 bar, then kept lifting the gain till it started spiking, and backed if off a touch. There is no rule that says the gain has to be lower. When you power up your unit can you hear the solenoid buzz (pulse really fast) for about a second? Mine does.
  23. looks interesting, i think this is very similar to how the emanage interacts with the injectors, but you knocked it up yourself for a fraction of the cost, which is cool. should need 6 of them hey? or were you thinking of tieing the injectors in together and batch firing them? just a thought, i think it would be better if you could trim/shorten the pulse as well. the stock ecu goes rich under load so more fuel isn't the issue. with an aftermarket turbo you may need more fuel, but you would also need a way to clamp the AFM voltage so as not to hit airflow cut.
  24. edit: double post.
  25. has anyone with the PS3 version been suffering from the glitches i've been reading about on the web, i.e. dropping frames and lagging. i'm keen to play this game but don't want to shell out money for a game that will potentially become unplayable down the track.
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