I'd laugh if they never made one and that guy wasted 400$ Also thats 4th pic. 3rd pic is a bunch of flat cappers in a r32 with their number on the windscreen probably to attract phone calls from rather hideous women & strange men. Noel, if you read this it is a good time to break out that picture I made.
I thought there was another one just up the road? looks dead anyway. It's funny seeing people lapping ippy though. Some retard in a car that sounded like a sowing machine wanted to race me in there last night just after I'd gone to the bottle shop.
Lol. I don't have the power to burn through tyres it's great lol. 1 set of brand new tyres and they are on canvas now. I got them for free as well so $0 spent on tyres last night.
As soon as my court case bullshit is over and I can spend my saved $ on the car i'll be going through sets like a crazy man.
Well that was a f*kload of fun I can't figure out why I haven't been out on track in 3 months...
Unfortunatly my left front strut has a leak of sorts and is f*ked Also picked up a crack in the front bar from a bunch of tyres
And omg, I still can't beleive Noel brought out his skyline the crazy f*ker. My back is hurting from that lol
I pretty much said nothing to the cop, didn't answer his questions relating to mods. I definantly never said I had a locked diff. I also have a witness to the conversation, my mum who is a doctor so that helps for credability.
No idea on towing costs but I'd assume a couple hundred.
There is usually around 30 cars? They are all allowed on track at the same time but not in the drifting areas. You line up before the start of each of the two tracks.
$80(if you already have licence) 3.5hrs - 4hrs. Generally do 1 lap every 5mins or so.
I called QT about this trying to get them to have a look at my diff and they don't want anything to do with it unless I was sent there by police for the defect which I wasn't. John (lunatikk) also has a friend who works for QT who he talked to in regards to having them look at the diff and he said the same thing. I could get a saftey cert from QT but they wouldnt go opening up my diff, they'd probably just assume its locked too and fail the certificate.
I can only get a copy of the police evidence 2 weeks before the trial.
They didn't say unfortunatly. I guess I might find out in 2 months 1 week when I can get a copy of the police evidence. Of course it will be on one of those little yellow sticky things saying only "we heard a noise... it must be a locked diff! kill him!"
They probably just thought I'd plea guilty? Or I swapped my diff around for the saftey certificate and that the letter from O1G was.... well I have no idea.
Jump in at the deep end and give it a go. Thats what I did
Before my first night out all I had to help me was Initial D, youtube videos and general reading about how to. I went out in Josh's old r32 for a lap just to get a bit of a feel for how things were going to go and then off I went by myself.
Obviously first time expect to spin out like a crazy man on drugs but thats arguably just as much fun as drifting.
I suppose you could have someone teach you but I must say I love everytime I try doing something on track different and having it work makes me feel warm and fuzzy
Well I went for the initial hearing today. I have pleaded not guilty. The trial will be on the 4th of November.
Police prosicutions rejected the letter which included amoungst other things, a saftey certificate & workshop letter stating my diff is not locked.
It was rather interesting listening to other peoples cases though. Everyone seemed to be a drink driver.
Good times....
LOL. Its because nothing is going to change and those storys don't do shit. Just get over them and stop making a big deal. There have in the past been news stories showing a positive light on car clubs and also motorbike gangs. Infact every christmas they are made to look like saints when they deliver toys to kids in hospitals. Whilst they ratio of good to bad stories is uneven they are still there but no one makes a thread about them. Sir your argument is epic fail now go back to your latte.
Goodluck ever trying to change the image.
I was looking at some autotrader junk mail thing today. On the back page were a couple imports. There was an r33 which had in a speech bubble, "say hello to the boys in blue"
The reason Skylines are used in all the stories is because commodores look like shit.
Well I've been told theres some 30 odd cops cars on patrol between inala and beenleigh tonight targetting hoons. Not a good night for going to the stains I guess.