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Everything posted by ahmad

  1. hey mate genuine offer here, Swaps for something more practical(with a bit of cash my way): http://www.carsales.com.au/all-cars/privat...3ds&trecs=1
  2. it's a 95 model, so a series 1.5 free bump, sorry i was after a series 2
  3. Would you consider trades?
  4. i just creamed, HOW MUCH?!?! and it looks like its in japan, if so, will it be complied when brought in?
  5. cool man, where abouts in sydney are you located??
  6. F***!!!! i hate seing cars like this and status is sold lol
  7. skyline market is almost dead mate, owners have to make a big loss to sell their cars
  8. would u go down as low as 10???
  9. pls tel me if u didnt sell it, im gettin the money for my car very soon, by friday ! i should hav jus nearly the right amount of money! where are you located?
  10. ok my man, would u be interested in a swap for a 94 prelude??? http://www.boostcruising.com/forums/index....howtopic=180511 hit me back soon cheers,
  11. hey dude thanks for the pm ... i am interested in a swap though if u want to have a look at my car click on the link below PRELUDE
  12. interested in a swap for a 94 prelude mate? where abouts is it located?
  13. very interested pics and other info would be helpful my email is [email protected] cheers
  14. hmmm this will be hard im in sydney but keen once my prelude goes... hopefully that will be soon dude .. ill get back to you
  15. interested in a trsde for a 94 honda prelude man???
  16. interested in a trade for a 94 honda prelude??? with cash your way?? pm me if you are
  17. damn this is nice ... i just need to get rid of my prelude first.... care for a trade?
  18. how about a honda prelude 94 model if interested i can pm you details and pics man
  19. oh man thats clean interested in a swap for a 94 honda prelude? and some cash ur way
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