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Everything posted by Fishpaste~

  1. WOOT!!!!!! red bulls stomped the field in practise 1... lets hope it continues (and like every other practise session they were running heavy fuel!)
  2. all those questions have been roughly answered, except for brand... the people chose winning spirit. all the exact details will be given out when i have them.. and there wont be an EOI thread, there will be a place your orders thread!!
  3. perhaps hes running E85??
  4. pritty sure you guys would know as soon as i know... i've payed the money to get the artwork digitised pritty much the day after we decided on brand!! so besides going in their and complaining (something i dont want to do atm) i'm gonna let things take their own corse for a bit. It's only been a week, and stuff takes time =\
  5. uni will be on swatvac next week... ie. no one there but the old people that like to stare at uni students =P
  6. fired off a txt to my sister, so i'll let you know as soon as i do. btw, when does it start?
  7. hey ryan, me and my sister might be keen, i'd have to talk to her first but she's been looking to play basketball again and i may as well play. just not sure if she works sundays. pasadena is also close for us let me know
  8. guys that rebuilt my gear box recomended the thinest stuff i could find... possibly castrol syntex... they said they'd even run on kero if i was game =P
  9. so they had the tow ropes attached last round when massa finished 3rd and kimmi 4th?
  10. yay for mark!!! lets hope he gets a win next round! but i think its weird how the team have gone super aggressive with vetel stratigey and conservative with marks =\
  11. pentium M is actually a cut down P4, so it will never be a faster than a P4... however it will use a lot less power than a P4 in a note book (they are essentially the notebook version of the P4). Infact if anything most P4s will be faster because of the increased cache all depending on your application. Also alot of DELLs (even the current range) will have serial ports, mainly because they are still used on a lot of high end network gear...
  12. yeah, and the r35 looks better than any r34!! tho i think that particular 34 looks like ass!
  13. that kinda cash... i think i'd look at getting an r35 instead =\
  14. Hey, Just a friendly reminder that the hoddies for brand/quality assesment will be at villies tonight incase you want to have your 2c woth of input! if your not there obviousally any comlaint you may make in regards to our selection will fall on reasonably deaf ears! (unless your an interste personl then you can bag us SA folk out all you like =P)
  15. ever worked in a hospital?? i think they are a myth... most nurses are actually rather old and not what i'd call hot. however the traniee doctors... giddy up!!!
  16. Hey, just back from talking to the place, unfortunatally big boss who does awsome discount stuff wasent in today so they didn't finalise the pricing, however i have 3 different brands of hoodie to look at (none are gildan). Hopefully i'll be able to get out to villis this friday with them for people to look at and see what they like. So far 'winning spirit' brand seems pritty good.. but i'll see what others think also good new for those wanting white, they said there should be a problem inverting the stitching from white to black! otherwise pricing should be in mid week, and i'll start a new thread for orders when that happens... once i've confirmed pricing and hoodies... and i'll also be getting a sample hoodie made up once we decide on what brand we go so people can inspect the quality etc. anyhows, just an update to let you all know whats happening PS big thanks to Mr Anon A Mouse for the URL stuff
  17. Hey, well my plan was to get some firm pricing today but after finally getting to my car today the CD i was hoping would be in there isnt... so, if anyone has a good quality version of the 'www.skylinesaustralia.com' image thats been kicking around could you please PM it to me?? thanks in advance
  18. oh also, matty t, i need to get to the syline sometime... i think i have a CD with all the hoddie stuff in the glove box... oh scandy, tuffen up, its going to be another 5 weeks before i even get my car back!!! (making it 7 months without it)
  19. if there just mexican doughnuts, then you can buy them in adealide... place called burp on hindley st! =) good mexican food, and got some hotties serving in there too =P
  20. actually your right, i've never heard my car make those stupid flutter noises!! =D and im not sure how its looking... dusty i presume.. i dont think i've seen it in well over a month and same with motor, nfi what happening with it =\ its all a bit depressing really =(
  21. how would someone miss something they never had?? =\
  22. umm not really.. same make of car, release with different engine, all you should have to do is break upgrade and its 100% legal!!!
  23. sif you can blink that fast! =P
  24. there wasen't a whole lot of interest, so i've put this on the back burner for a little while. i'll see if i can get some free time in the next week or so to head on out to the engineers (takes over an hour to travel there from my place), i'm also intending on taking my stock pump out there for them to have a look at as well - was a shame that the pump didn't arrive while i was on holidays
  25. will leave this going for another week before i finalise pricing with the embroidery place
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