to put it simply, hes a ex-boyfriend of a member on here... he attended a few events with her etc, when she dumped him he went all stalker like started rocking up at everything SAU he could and hanging out at BP every friday. eventually his true colours shone through (unfortunataly for dion) and now seems like hes doing it to adrian as well =\
i think i heard about that, some guy got pissed off with everyone asking him if he was selling e's or if he had e's and he finally got fed up with it so started a punch up with the next guy to ask him... thought it was a bit of a strange responce. =\
still can't beleive vilis closes... wouldn't even do snitty chips and gravey!!!
ah well, next time jess, probably should have let u know we were on our way or something =P
just wow!!!! should be interesting next season... cars should all be closer in performance, lack of re-fuling. sure will be a driver battle!! perhaps thats why he came back, could see a challange for himself!
Okay, heres the go:
will be at Vilis from 8pm to 8:30 on Wed 23rd for hoodies
also will try and duck my head in on thur the 24th to the jess/sinful thing
if you can't make either of those there will be the usual vili meets on a friday (cept this one apparently)
otherwise, let me know and i'll see what i can do
hoodies are here and looking good!!
interstate people u have PMs
ahhhhh, u got msn or something?? might be easier to chat
edit: forgot to mention, how this friday at vilis for pick up??
i may or may not have received a call....
if people really want them today i'll be having lunch at Ajisen Ramen on leigh st in the city around 2pm (very aprox time btw)
interstate guys, u'll be getting a pm from me later today
last thing i really want is for police to be on the look out for skylines in my area... if you know what i mean =P
it wasn't drifing round corners or anything, was just some really unsusal behavior followed by some speeding
Just in case its been stolen i'll give you the benifit of the doubt, but that was some stupid driving
but it was a white 32 gtst with black bits all over it, driving stupidly, almost asking for an accident then speeding away... =\
probably??? aready gone loopy, bit a little more crazy is always good!! =P
i think the whole ordeal has been mass fail =\ well, cept for the end result i guess...
well now that you've just jinxed yourself... =P
eh, painful, still another 400km to go and BW closed till some time next year so have at least 3 weeks more of it =(