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Everything posted by UNR33L

  1. hahaha aight sounds good Grant, you just jelly you want some of dis' *rubs belly button*
  2. although I won't be going to the show and shine what's after that?
  3. nah she'll be right, fang it to and from work every day.
  4. haha can take you for a spin one day if you like, nt05s grip up pretty well cos theyre fat side walls and width still did my 11sec 1/4 mile with my normal street trim
  5. LS1, L98 same shit slightly diff size.. meh old tech comeatme 5l modular quad cammed SV8 inb4 wasteland crew rage about v8 talk, cept Martin cos he's a baller with a stang'
  6. technically still stock ECU, do some skids? not on my nt05's at $400 a pop! got some tyres?
  7. haha so word is finally getting out to you holden boys about the new supercharged 8 ey.. I've had so many people in SS's say dafaq is in that thing, I'm like stock brah lol haha Grant, best I got off the line was a 1.90 60ft I think probably could of gone harder but don't want to go to snap city! so much down low. going to take nt05s off soon for some happy fun stockies skid time i reckon. need intercooler and e85 guy at works mate has one making over 500rwkw apparently, ridiculous would need some fatties to keep that power down.
  8. yeh but you can't drag a fwd brah (well you can but as soon as you get like 200fwkw wheelspin heaven) can't troll the streets can't do good skids either brah.
  9. 91 ron dafaq? well I knew holdens were slow but gotdayum
  10. plates and the bonnet addon making that thing cop bait hard when we having a run?
  11. dem personalized plates getting you defects bro
  12. Am I the only one around here happy with the fact I no longer have a 33?
  13. hahah dezz
  14. dem lumpy cams
  15. FG xr6, 200 killerasps, plenty of torque and a car from this millennium inb4 flame nah but srs they go pretty good for a n/a
  16. sold a 2 door n/a 33 for 10k a few years ago dem p plate laws. manual and coupes will go for about 1k more usually, maybe more. Mine was pretty zippy enjoyed it on my Ps. 123rwkw bro, dat healthy engine. Probably liked it more than my GTR to be honest. (like fun vs price, obviously GTR is the better car.. ) used to do some fun shit with that little n/a. Maybe I was just young and stupid.
  17. add me brah
  18. 9.5 +30
  19. A lot of people that say get 'real' rims have no idea how much they cost in good sizes (ie 19 / 20" x 9.5 / 10 with low offset) I said to myself fark that just get a new set every year or so lol And Grant, praise the falcon brah. embrace teh speed, such grace.
  20. Pretty sure I've seen a ford with em on, don't see why you couldn't get in australia. But get 19s with good tyres
  21. Looks good! I'd say buy mine but different stud pattern I was gonna get some chrome dish brah
  22. this ones pretty side on ish: https://fbcdn-sphotos-g-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn1/603969_10151363306303779_1748022400_n.jpg oh heres a better side on one & my old bike : https://fbcdn-sphotos-d-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-frc3/t1/542018_10151203303918779_1098207337_n.jpg I get some scrubbing up front on some bumps but don't really care lol
  23. my stock 19s with 245/35/19s (low profile): https://fbcdn-sphotos-f-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-frc1/t1/581108_10150669355193779_44722350_n.jpg my varrstoens 19s with 245/40/19 275/35/19 (275/35 is same diameter as the 245/40, so I didn't have any funny looks or traction control issues) these are nt05s btw: https://fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-frc3/480735_10151159519518779_283679759_n.jpg and yea the sticker is gone now was only a bit of fun
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